A Mountain Journey Questions

1. What was Dave Conroy doing out in the wilderness? (motivation)

Dave Conroy was trapping and skinning animals in the wilderness proof of this when it describes actions “On his shoulders, he had lifted
upwards with him at every step his pack of food for another five days on the trail, his blankets, axe and fifty pounds of fur for the
market-the result of six weeks’ trapping on the head of the Jackpine.”
2. At what point does the reader know the protagonist is in serious trouble and not likely to
make it to MacMoran’s cabin? (plot)

The point that the reader knows the protagonist is in serious trouble and is not likely to make it to MacMorans cabin is when he felt like this on page 96 “Unable to light a fire, without warmth or food, he would never make it. His fingers were frozen. Feet probably were frozen too.”
3 . What three critical mistakes did Conroy make? What are some of the things he could
have done to prevent himself from freezing? (plot)

Three critical mistakes he made were not setting up enough camps and just rushing toward his destination, instead of continuing to reach the cabin. He fell and got parts of him wet and in his mind, he thought to keep going to the cabin and make a fire there instead of as soon as that incident in the water happened. When he arrived at the cabin he knew that from falling in the water he had to make a fire but as he went to go light a match he couldn’t because his hands were so cold that it was not possible. he could have prevented these things if he had thought about them and didn’t rush.

4. Determine the elements of plot in this story: exposition, complicating incident, 3 crises,
climax, and the denouement.

Exposition  We meet Dave a trapper freezing on a mountain that is trying to get to a cabin to wait out the night

Complicating incident:  Dave falling into ice and getting really cold


1 The blue creek cabin was burned down when he got there

2. His hands and legs freezing unable to make fire and had no food

3. the next cabin getting entirely gutted when he got there

 Climax: He gets to the cabin but it turns out to have been covered in snow and is uninhabitable so he decides to hike to another cabin to spend the night. While he was on the way he gets tired and lays down to take a rest.

 Denouement: Dave started dreaming things and wakes up only to find himself in ice and he dies

5. Describe the setting – how does the setting affect the plot and the theme of the story?
What is the theme – write a theme statement for this story.

The setting is a freezing cold forest and mountain by the Atlantic Ocean with lots of ice a railway track and multiple cabins in the area with lots of wildlife in the 1600s to 1800s. this setting, caused the protagonist to go out and hunt these animals, survive the cold temperature and search for the cabins in the setting.

6. Find one example of a symbolic setting (a concrete place that represents something abstract)
and explain its meaning.

The cabin for David symbolized daves need to be  safe and because he thought he was close to it he imagined that he was close to it in the dream because so far he has been trying to get to safety and this dreamed up place is a symbol of that

7. Quote four images from the story that make effective comparisons (figurative language:
simile, metaphor, and personification)

1. He was beginning to feel like a ghost on an abandoned planet

2. That tree, like a strong and’ lonely woman

3. The moon threw his shadow on the snow

4. They were cold and white and unresponsive as
a dead man’s

A Mountain Journey Vocabulary
1. eternal p.92 Forever or never-ending
2. immobility p.93 inability to move or be moved.
3. opaque p.93 not able to be seen through; not transparent.
4. reverberation p.93 prolongation of a sound; resonance.
5. momentum p.93 The quantity of motion that an object has.
6. cadaverous p.94 resembling a corpse in being very pale, thin, or bony.
7 .. congregated p.95 gather into a crowd or mass.
8. inundation p.95 an overwhelming abundance of people or things.
9. beggared p.95 reduce (someone) to poverty.
10. filched. P.96 pilfer or steal (something, especially a thing of small value) in a casual way.

The friday Everything Changed



My The Friday Everything Changed summary

the Friday everything changed questions and summary

  1. the boys are upset that the girls are trying to carry the water because they think that they aren’t strong and it is a tradition special to them
  2. the strategies they use include hateful words beating them up an example of this is “as for alma, who kept getting notes thrown on her desk promising her everything from a broken nose to having her pants pulled down
  3. I think that the story is from a girl maybe the authors perspective the narrator thinks that the situation is really new and weird it shows this with examples like “we girl” and “but it was all too much for us at the moment”
  4. the setting is in an old school of in a remote area which makes the idea about things more confided to them and has no oversite from the main area of nova scotia hints of this include when the narrator said”one of those real city schools”
  5. the protagonist is either the girls as a whole or alma Niles because they fight for a good cause which is gender equality. In the end, get to achieve their goal of showing to the boys that they or strong with ms Ralston’s help. hints of this is “He was getting over the first shock of  finding ms Ralston opposite of his bat”
  6. Everything changed because before only the boys carried the water bucket until alma asks her question and the boys start bullying them because they believe that the girls are powerful and strong until Ms. Ralston goes and wins a homerun with was her way of symbolizing that girl can e strong and power full and are able the same things boy activities wise
  7. Vocabulary
  8. 1. Galvanized: shock or excite (someone) into taking action.
  9. 2. remotest: unknown chance
  10. 3. intoxicated: exhilarated
  11. 4. ominous: mysterious
  12. 5. supplementary: completing or enhancing something.
  13. 7. forlornly: bereft, forsaken left quite
  14. 8 earnistly: with sincere and intense conviction; seriously.
  15. 9 gloating: dwelling on one’s own success or another’s misfortune with smugness or malignant pleasure.
  16. 10 transfixed: focused on something
  17. 10, pirouting: a whirling about on one foot or on the points of the toes, as in ballet dancing.

Gender Equality

1. What is the article about?

This article is talking about a lot of things such as how because of their gender a person can be treated differently in the workplace or be denied future opportunities and fewer benefits. this article also talked about how getting exposed to sexual harassment can affect a woman’s mental state increasing their chance of suicide. they also wrote about how a person subjected to pregnancy discrimination can have a  negative affect on the baby and the mother’s physical or mental health.

2. Who does it involve?

The article involves people in the general workspace working and aspiring for new opportunities. Such as people like this young female doctor they wrote about in this article who felt like she isn’t being seen or is invisible because her male coworkers didn’t acknowledge her presence in a room even when she acknowledged them. Then she went to the department chair they also didn’t seem to care that she felt invisible and told her she was being too sensitive.

3. Why did you choose this article?

I choose this article because I wanted to find out about how gender equality is affecting the workplace so that when I get a job I can accurately identify it at that point in time. I also chose it because I liked how it went more indef into how you can stop gender discrimination with steps to take, unlike another site I looked at.

4.  How does this news article relate to the story we are reading- The Friday Everything Changed?

This news article is also talking about how women are being perceived as not equal to men in the workplace and should get future opportunities in just like in the story where the boy doesn’t think that the girls are as strong as them and shouldn’t be allowed to bring the bucket to the pump. Another way this news article can relate to the story  is how the woman in both story goes to ask for help from there superior and gets different results because one is a woman and the other is a man
