Bag of Change Lab Science 9


In this lab activity, you will mix 3 unknown substances together in a bag and observe the changes that occur. There will be both chemical changes and physical changes. Observation skills are crucial for this lab investigation. Watch for changes in state (solid, liquid, gas), colour (use noun-colour description), volume (mL), temperature, and anything else you can detect. Do not smell any of this substances please.


Chemical A (a white solid)

Chemical B (a white solid)

Chemical C (a blue liquid)

50 mL graduated cylinders

Plastic bag





Add one spoonful of Chemical A (sodium bicarbonate) on the left side of the zip-lock bag. Describe and record the properties for Chemical A.

What is it’s formula?


List some of the uses of this chemicals?

Cooking, tooth paste

Add 1 spoonful of Chemical B (Calcium chloride) on the right side of the zip-lock bag. Do not mix the chemicals. Describe and record the properties for Chemical B.

small white pebbles

What is it’s formula?


List some of the uses of this chemicals?

plastics, wastewater treatment plants, in blast furnaces

How is chemical B different from Chemical A?

Chemical B is the size of a pebble and Chemical A is a powder

Look and describe Chemical C (Bromothymol blue). Record your observations in the space provided below.

What is it’s formula?


List some of the uses of this chemicals?

testing pH and for testing photosynthesis and respiration

and To measure the presence of carbonic acid in a liquid.

Now you are ready for the observations of change.

Mix a small amount, not all of it, Chemical A with Chemical B in the middle zip-lock bag. Record observations.

Chemical A and B don’t show any changes when mixed

Add 10 mL of chemical C into a plastic bag. QUICKLY remove as much air as possible and then seal it up. In the first 30 seconds, squeeze the bag in various places to mix the chemicals. What do you observe? Take a photograph and if possible video recording.

cm-chat-media-video-1_ca7e559d-436e-5176-85f5-34512a2a357e_13_0_0 (1)

Detect any temperature changes with your hand.

It’s a little warm

After 2 minutes thoroughly record any new observations.

It seemed to produce a gas

In the space below add at least two photographs of your zip-lock bag.

When you are finished, wash all the chemicals down the drain and rinse out the plastic bag. Discard the UNSEALED bag in the correct discard. DO NOT take off your goggles until everyone in the room has completed the lab.

What evidence of chemical change did you observe in the bag?

It produced a gas and filled up the bag like a balloon

What physical changes did you see? Answer in complete sentences.

A physical change that I saw, was that it become a thick liquid and dissolved most of chemical B.



Elemental influency

If link isn’t working I sent it to you

1. Questions

  1. How was it discovered

2. How Dangerous is it to Humans

3. How is it used

4. What is it made of

5. What makes it unique

6. How is it made

2. I used google and a bit of

3. My process was going on google and going through info to find info that was cited and what I wanted to find. I also went on to look at other cites if the facts were the same and cited it with a citation machine

4. my process went decently well but I want to be able to find the info faster next time

Citation for info

Bradford, A. (2016, December 8). Facts about plutonium. LiveScience. Retrieved February 17, 2022, from,a%20variety%20of%20other%20elements.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018, April 4). CDC radiation emergencies. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved February 17, 2022, from,further%20lung%20disease%20and%20cancer.

Little boy and Fat Man. Little Boy and Fat Man | Photographs | Media Gallery. (n.d.). Retrieved February 17, 2022, from

Picture Cite, Y. B.-. (n.d.). Chemical – plutonium (PU). Retrieved February 17, 2022, from

Implosion nuclear weapon – fat man inside atomic bombs, HD png download , Transparent png image – pngitem. (n.d.). Retrieved February 17, 2022, from

HCE 9 – English Write

When I look at the picture, I see a small green bird on the right side and 5 dark birds on the left side of the picture. I also see 3 of the dark birds are holding signs with racist words, probably directed at the small bird. I can also see some emotion from the bird on the far left when he is even able to look which tells me that he has no respect for the small bird or doesn’t care. I think that the sign that is telling the small bird to go back to Africa, is the artist’s way of telling us that he is representing racism through birds because there are different types of birds all over the world.  I  think that through the signs the artist connects the fact that birds migrate to humans immigrating to other places being used as a twist to make the picture more cartoony or interesting. I also think that the author made the background darker and the background brighter where the birds are as a tool to lower the mood and make each side look different. I can also see the artist incorporating the theme of inclusivity using worms as a way to symbolize how racism can prevent the small bird from getting any worms. This makes me feel sad because of what is happening to the small bird. But I also feel happy that artists are finding new and interesting ways to symbolize racism instead of just plain old pictures. After looking at this picture, some lingering feelings I had were of how amazing it was that the artist was able to create a very interesting and cartoony picture while also being able to add in small things to tell the person looking at it a message.

Grammar Video Project – “Run-On Sentences”




Our topic for English is “run-on sentences”. First, we asked, “what is a run-on sentence”? A run-on sentence is two complete sentences or ideas that are incorrectly joined. An easier way to think about it is to imagine that you go diving underwater. You use sentences to dive further down, and you occasionally need to stop for air. Otherwise, you’ll drown. As you get deeper and deeper into your sentence, you must take a breath, or what’s called “adding punctuation.” So how do you fix your punctuation so you won’t drown? It’s pretty simple once you get the hang of it. You can fix your breathing intervals where punctuations should be located by knowing where an idea stops, or when you feel lightheaded. It can be called a “run-on sentence” or just a plain mess of writing, a sentence without any proper punctuation is just confusing. If the reader can’t understand your writing, then your meaning is lost. In our video, we made up a lot of examples to practice just to make sure you understand the concept. Here is an example: “I have to go to the store I need to buy bread.” Here there are two independent clauses with no punctuation. Clause One: I have to go to the store. Clause Two: I have to buy bread. So the correct version would be “I have to go to the store. I need to buy bread.” Now the two sentences function as separate sentences.


Chose the sentence that accurately separates two complete sentences 0/3

1. Mark got a brand-new phone for his birthday however he can’t figure out how to set it up.

a. Mark got a brand-new phone for his birthday however, he can’t figure out how to set it up.                                                                                       b. Mark got a brand-new phone for his birthday, however, he can’t figure out how to set it up.

  1. My brother just graduated from high school he will attend university.

a. My brother just graduated from high school, so he will attend university.                                                                                                                        b. My brother just graduated from high school so, he will attend university.

  1. It was a cold day snow was forecasted by the meteorologists.                                                                                                                                        a. It was a cold day. Snow was forecasted by the meteorologists.                                                                                                                                  b.It was a cold day, snow was forecasted by the meteorologists.

Chose the sentence that is a run-on sentence 0/3

4. Which of these sentences is a run-on sentence?

a. Participants could leave the study at any time, but they needed to indicate their preference

b. Bobby likes to eat ice cream he went broke after buying it a lot.                                                                                                                                            c. Jack went to the dentist. But he had a recording scheduled at school the same day

a. Owen wanted tickets for the Spiderman No Way Home movie unfortunately the servers were down.                                                                        b. Jimmy wanted a new pair of shoes. Sadly, they were all sold out.                                                                                                                                        c. Karen wanted her milkshakes right away. But the milkshake machine is broken

Answer Key

  1. B
  2. A
  3. A
  4. B
  5. A

Indigenous Exploration “Inacarceration”


– Your experiences creating this assignment.

My groups entire expiernce was very tedious and tiring because of the many obstacles that we faced such as one of us not taking the work seriously so it created a work environment where some of us had to do more then others

– Your group’s path in researching the topic.

To Research are topic we started using links Ms. Henderson showed us but overtime start mainly focusing on two websites  Gale and CBC news. we used Gale  for more of the statisticle parts like how many of the current prison population is Indigenous  and CBC to get more of the stories and points of view on like a story of the protested getting excecive force used on pipline protesters.

– Obstacles or items you learnt in recording.

During recording we faced many issues such as managing are time during recording which caused us to repeatedly have to add on to are writing and trying to talk slower. We also struggled with trying to get everybody in one place to record because we forgot to get the contact information of one are members. Another Issues we had was trying to get all of are members to cooperate together. After finishing this assignment because of all of these issues I learned to always get contact info of all of my group members ,to remember to manage my time better and to make sure I chose group members that I will actually work well with

– Reflection on one of the below core competency questions.

 1: Critical Thinking … How does your artifact tie in with what you have learned before? How has your thinking changed? What made it change?
This artifact ties in with a past project  where I had to create a powerpoint about a specific places indigenous people and how the have been affected by the non indigenous people. My thinking has changed from thinking that when people talk about indigenous incarceration there only talking about the residential schools to both residential schools and current day incarceration. My thinking changed because of the fact that there is alot of people talking about it and all of the crazy issues that I learned during this project like the fact that

Since 2010, the incarceration of non-Indigenous people went down by 13%, while the incarceration of Indigenous people went up by 43%.