Physics 11 Midterm Reflection and Goal Setting

Pillar: Lab Skills

In my current work in Physics 11 labs, I consistently showcase strong skills in following lab procedures and maintaining accurate data records. I approach each experiment with a focused mindset, ensuring that every step is executed with precision and attention to detail. This commitment to meticulousness not only ensures the quality of our scientific findings but also saves me the time of redoing the procedure

Acknowledging areas for improvement is crucial for growth. I’m aware of the need to enhance my critical thinking skills, particularly when analyzing conclusion questions. Additionally, I’m working on strengthening my ability to recall and apply basic significant figures, which are fundamental in scientific calculations. I also want to work on better cleaning up and organizing my work in labs

At the conclusion of each unit, my objective is to consistently achieve a 4/4 score on all my lab conclusions. To accomplish this, I will thoroughly review my past conclusions as well as those of others, doing this to pinpoint my strengths and areas needing improvement. Furthermore, I intend to ask more clarifying questions during experiments to improve my understaning of the lab and ensure well thought out conclusions.

Revisiting Midterm Goal Setting – June 17th

I am proud to say that I met my goal of getting a 4/4 score on my lab conclusions. In the pulley lab, I scored 9.5/10 overall and received a perfect 4/4 on my conclusion. Similarly, in the friction lab, I achieved a flawless 10/10 overall and another 4/4 on my conclusion. These high scores were a result of my clear and consistent explanations, which I worked hard to develop. Throughout my lab work, I encountered both successes and challenges. One notable success was my deep understanding of the topics, which I achieved by meticulously reviewing the lab contents and ensuring that I grasped every detail. However, I also faced challenges, particularly when the lab instructions did not provide enough information for me to fully understand the concepts. To overcome this obstacle, I took the initiative to conduct additional research online, which greatly enhanced my comprehension. Moving forward, I aim to continue focusing on achieving the highest grade possible by dedicating even more time to studying and understanding the material. I believe that with persistence and a proactive approach, I can maintain and even improve my performance in future lab work.

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