Week 10 – Math 10 – X and Y intercepts

This week in math we learned how to find the X and Y intercepts of a linear equation which are where the linear relations line touches the X or Y lines this can be done in an equation to find the X you should set Y to 0 and find a number for X that works with that. an example of the X and Y intercept in a linear relationship would be with y = 2x + 1 to find the x-intercept this can be done by setting y to 0 = 2x + 1 so x would be -1/2 or -0.5 and the Y-intercept can be found by solving this y=2×0+1 which equals 1 so the X and Y intercepts are (-0.5,0) (0, 1). Another example of this being used is In this equation 3x+7y=21 so for the x-intercept we set y to 0 then we have to find out what times 3 equals 21 is 7 so the ordered pair for the x-intercept is (7,0). Now for the Y-intercept, we set x to 0 leaving us with the relation 7y=21 and we know that 7 times 3 = 21 from the other intercept so the y-intercept is (0,3).

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