What Do I Remember From The Evacuation?

How does one feel after suffering extreme racism?

In the poem “What Do You Remember From The Evactation?” By Joy Kogawa, the author suffers extreme racism as a child and is writing about how it affected her. When she remembers “families were made to move in two hours/abandoning everything, leaving pets/ and possessions at gun point.”(line 11,12,13) she doesn’t know at the time what may happen or how she is going to survive because she is so young. “who said “don’t insult me” when I/ proudly wrote my name in Japanese” (line 32,33) is showing that there was no respect for the Japanese and she is feeling shamed having the culture that she has. “ and I prayed to the God who loves/ all the children in his sight/that I might be white.” (line 37,38,39) the author finally realizes that she is suffering from extreme racism and she is not feeling good about and it is now wishing she was white because then she would get treated better than how she is getting treated now.
