Expanding Universe

  1. What did you do in this lab?

In this lab my group and I used a a balloon to model the expansion of the universe.

2. What did the balloon and the dots represent?

In this experiment the balloons represent the universe and the dots represent the many galaxies

3.  Trend the expansion difference.

As we blew up the balloon in the different stages the galaxies got further apart representing the universe expanding

4. Your opinion on the value of this activity and things your are still curious about?

In this lab I learned how the universe is expanding by showing it in a simple and understandable way. I am still curious about how long the universe will expand for and the theories about how big the universe could be.


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Taming of the Shrew- Stop Motion Induction Scene Project


Taming of the Shrew- Stop Motion Video

Our presentation of the induction scene in Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare was filmed in the form of stop motion on an app called Stop-Motion video which you can get off the App store. During the process of this film the people working on this project were Morgan Yard and Sophie Irvine, Morgan did most of the filming and some editing and Sophie did the majority of character moving/adjusting and editing. The bulk of the presentation was the induction scene which took over most of the movie and there was only about 10 seconds of the inset in the end. The main the thing we we were focusing in while doing this project was induction and inset scenes Induction is the play within a play like an introduction to the main performance. Inset is the main play that the characters from the induction “watch”. During the filming process we had some difficulty with making the “slides” flow but the overall project we would say was fun and interesting. We learned while filming this project that there are many different and unique ways to film a presentation in video form like this one.