Final Quarter Reflection – Tech Team

Tech Team Reflection

This year as a member of the Tech Team, there have been many new experiences that I have had the chance to be a part of. Some examples are helping to welcome in new grade nines, being in the Maker Space in the morning before school, during lunch and after school to help with any assignments, assisting with welcoming in parents of future grade nines to our school, and coming in early to work at the Wave.

During this last term, some initiatives and volunteering that I have been involved with are coming in early to provide any assistance needed at the Wave, helping in the Maker Space during class time or early in the morning, and by helping with any technical problems in my classes. I try to help in my classes whenever I can to the best of my abilities and I was working in the Wave for 380 minutes during the month of April, 360 minutes in May and about 100 minutes in June.

Something that I learned during this term was how to use the 3D printer better with the help of Tinker Cad, Mrs. Henderson and Ms. Leung. My strength with 3D printing is how to create a design using Thinker Cad, then exporting it in as the correct file to prepare for slicing. With that, a challenge I had was not knowing how to slice as I have never done it before. At first, I was a bit unsure of how to slice my print, but after being shown how to do the process a couple of times, I now know how to do it myself and how to help others as well. Something small I learned about the 3D printer was that when printing, the printer will create a base for the print job, therefore it does not stick to the glass or plastic printing mat.

With the end of the year approaching, I am now hoping to continue to print projects next year using the 3D printer whether they are big or small, for school or for myself, then I can also improve and experiment with the knowledge that I have. Along with that, I hope that I can assist other students and teachers with using the 3D printers correctly, either with the Tinker Cad program, or with slicing on the Maker Space computer.

Core Competency Reflection and Goal – Chemistry 11

In Chemistry 11 so far, I have shown strength and growth with my critical thinking skills, and I will continue to do so. I can analyze and critique my work, question and investigate what leaves me confused, as well as develop my learning and comprehension skills.

For instance, I can analyze and critique my completed homework or lab work, then rewrite or reword it in order for it to make complete sense to the reader. For questioning and investigating, if there are any questions that confuse me, then I can ask my peers or the teacher questions. After that, I can try to solve the problem and investigate for the correct process and answer myself or with the help of someone else. When developing my learning and comprehension skills, that can be done with the help of asking my teacher or peers for assistance and by practicing more of the material that is being done in class. Whether it is extra practice or refining my skills, it will still be useful in the correct direction.

Lastly, my goal for future Chemistry labs is to continue to measure any lab data with little to no errors along with high precision and accuracy, and to apply my critical thinking skills to the labs in any way that I can.

Core Competency Reflection – Français Langue 11

Here are my Core Competency reflections that show my strength and growth with Français Langue 11.

A Core Competency that shows Strength:

I showed strength with the communication competency by always contributing my ideas to any discussions or conversations with the class, by synthesizing, deepening, and developing my thoughts, and by acquiring, analyzing, and integrating my ideas together with the big ideas of the course. For example, with our group discussions about our class novel study “Monsieur Ibrahim et les Fleurs du Coran”, I always made sure I contributed to our group discussions about what we had read, and the big themes of the book. When it was time to work on our homework for the novel, I always made sure that my ideas and thoughts made sense, then expanded further on those topics and ideas.


A Core Competency that shows Growth:

I feel I could grow more with the critical and reflective thinking competency with examining various perspectives and analyzing interpretations of complex issues. For myself, I believe I need to work on taking time to fully understand a concept if I don’t understand it, and then discover what it is I need to work on in order to achieve better results, such as with French grammar and verbs.

English 10 – Core Competencies Reflection – Tic Tac Toe Assignment


This is my Core Competencies Self-Assessment Reflection on my process with my English Tic Tac Toe Assignment, where I describe my process and what I did with Critical and Creative Thinking.

Refection Sur Le Projet de Groupe

Socials Group Project – The French Revolution


When our group started working on this project, we first talked about how we were going to divide up the work so that everyone was equal. We talked about what we were going to work on and discus, such as “La Prise de la Bastille” and when King Louis the XVI and his family tried to escape France.

After that, we discussed and planned how we wanted to present our information to our teacher and to our peers. Every day we went through each step to make sure that we didn’t miss anything and to make sure that we all knew what we were still doing and working on.

Critical Thinking

Whenever we started a new task or one of us in the group had a new idea, we always questioned if it was a good idea for our subject. For example, if one of us had the idea of adding a funny clip into our video to add some humor, we always made sure that it made sense to us and for our audience. We developed our ideas along the way together and we always worked together.

For designing the video, I was the one doing it because I have an app on my phone to help create videos. I worked hard on creating the video and I think that the end result was very good; it was amusing, engaging, and it showed our understanding of the French revolution and what happened during that period in time in  history.

Personal Awareness

I know that I worked hard every time that we were given time to work on the project, I always put my best foot forward in making my own decisions and in making my own choices. If I ever had to ask my fellow group members for their help or their advice on the video or with anything else, I would ask for their opinion.

I was always ready to work inside or outside of the class with our group and I was determined to accomplish our daily goals along with our overall goal: to work hard and do well on this group assignement.