Physics 12 – Equilibrium Project – Sonoma, Heliya and Aya

Here is a picture of our final project and my calculations for the top level:

Here are some pictures of how our thinking process started:

Self Reflection:

I believe this project went really well. I had a chance to develop my knowledge on equilibrium and to clarify my calculations with the help of my peers. I learned about some factors that I wasn’t too sure about, such as, if certain variables would change our data significantly. At first, I was unsure if we needed the weight of the popsicle sticks that we had on each level that we were measuring. I was thinking that the mass was needed because each mass for the popsicle sticks were different, then that would contribute to our data. In reality, because the mass of the popsicle sticks were so light, there isn’t a huge difference to note in the calculations.

My data for each weight was relatively similar with 0.0260946Nm for the 0.20kg mass, and 0.0288395Nm for the 0.50kg mass that was hanging on the other side of the popsicle stick. The difference between each of these were 0.0028449Nm, but that was resolved once I rounded the data to the correct amount of significant figures (0.03Nm each). Some possible errors that could have caused this difference in data were the friction between the table and our objects in equilibrium, or how the surface we were using for our project wasn’t exactly straight, causing our project to be at a different angle and having our project not be in total equilibrium. My only suggestions for next time would be to create it on the ground away from others to step on because the surface would be flatter, and to add some more colour or more visually appealing aspects.

Core Competency Reflection:

The Core Competency that I feel works best with this project is Critical and Creative Thinking. During this project, Critical and Creative Thinking really kicked in when designing, creating, calculating and presenting our project. For example, when starting to think of ideas, we tried to think of something that was eye-catching, but that mainly followed all of the criteria for the project: to maintain equilibrium.

After looking at a few ideas for inspiration, we decided to start building for fun to see what we could come up with. I started by adding a few beads into two different spheres to change their weights, then we were creating additional levels using other objects. While we liked our ideas and the way we were thinking towards building, we still had some things to adjust. We decided we liked some components that we created, however the next step was to develop our ideas. While we still used objects such as popsicle sticks and paper cups, we had to scrap some other aspects that weren’t needed, like the spheres. From there, we changed our idea from a few simple levels to a few levels with more weights, string tensions, and fulcrums involved.

For the next step, we were more focused on the set-up for the presentation, and our correct calculations. To make sure our set-up was correct, we made markers on the popsicle sticks to make sure that all objects were in equilibrium. Whenever we had one object leaning or starting to fall, we knew we had to adjust our placement of the objects on each level. With that process, we were left with a lot of questions, such as if we measured and placed everything correctly? If not, how could we fix that before presenting?

While critiquing our work, we realized that everything would be in equilibrium as long as our paper cups (fulcrums) weren’t too far apart from the center. Even though each level had different centers of gravity, we used that to our advantage in order to help keep our project in equilibrium, and to help make the visual aspect look less messy. For our calculations, we took each level apart one at a time, and we measured each competent that was needed to determine the total torque on both sides of the popsicle sticks. We had to assess what parts were needed for the calculation and what parts weren’t necessary – such as the mass of the popsicle stick itself.

Finally, we presented our project and explained how our it was in equilibrium, as well as how particular our set up was. We reflected on our past ideas and how they helped us work towards our final product. In the end, I learned more about how equilibrium works, especially with more weights, more center of gravities, and more dimensions involved.

Final Quarter Reflection – Tech Team

Tech Team Reflection

This year as a member of the Tech Team, there have been many new experiences that I have had the chance to be a part of. Some examples are helping to welcome in new grade nines, being in the Maker Space in the morning before school, during lunch and after school to help with any assignments, assisting with welcoming in parents of future grade nines to our school, and coming in early to work at the Wave.

During this last term, some initiatives and volunteering that I have been involved with are coming in early to provide any assistance needed at the Wave, helping in the Maker Space during class time or early in the morning, and by helping with any technical problems in my classes. I try to help in my classes whenever I can to the best of my abilities and I was working in the Wave for 380 minutes during the month of April, 360 minutes in May and about 100 minutes in June.

Something that I learned during this term was how to use the 3D printer better with the help of Tinker Cad, Mrs. Henderson and Ms. Leung. My strength with 3D printing is how to create a design using Thinker Cad, then exporting it in as the correct file to prepare for slicing. With that, a challenge I had was not knowing how to slice as I have never done it before. At first, I was a bit unsure of how to slice my print, but after being shown how to do the process a couple of times, I now know how to do it myself and how to help others as well. Something small I learned about the 3D printer was that when printing, the printer will create a base for the print job, therefore it does not stick to the glass or plastic printing mat.

With the end of the year approaching, I am now hoping to continue to print projects next year using the 3D printer whether they are big or small, for school or for myself, then I can also improve and experiment with the knowledge that I have. Along with that, I hope that I can assist other students and teachers with using the 3D printers correctly, either with the Tinker Cad program, or with slicing on the Maker Space computer.

One-Twenty Assignment – Pre-Calculus 11

Our One-Twenty assignment was about choosing four numbers of our choice. After that, we had to create as many equations as we could for every solution from negative ten to positive twenty, including zero. Finally, we had to create a good copy and explain why we chose our four numbers.

For me, I chose the numbers two, eight, one and seven. The two and the eight stand for my birthday and month, and the one and seven are for my favorite numbers as well as my soccer jersey number.

Here is a photo of my final One-Twenty solutions:

For this assignment, I had to use Creative Thinking because this assignment took a lot of time to think of solutions, what to create with only four numbers, and how to excel with the final product. I was also willing to take risks with my work until I found a solution that worked!

English 10 – Core Competencies Reflection – Tic Tac Toe Assignment


This is my Core Competencies Self-Assessment Reflection on my process with my English Tic Tac Toe Assignment, where I describe my process and what I did with Critical and Creative Thinking.

Immersion Clip – Self Reflection

Voici mon vidéo!

Mes Façons Comment Garder Mon Français Vivant:

Dans mon vidéo, je parle à propos mes façons comment je garde le français dans ma vie quotidienne. J’utilise des stratégies comme lire des livres que j’aime, et de regarder des films et des séries de télévision que j’aime aussi. Je veux utiliser le français quand je serais plus âgé parce que je veux voyager à la France et au Québec encore avec ma famille et mes amis.

Voici le lien pour voir mon Immersion Clip sur YouTube – Here is the link to see my Immersion Clip on YouTube: Mon Projet de Franco – YouTube

I think that I demonstrated my creative thinking very well during this project with many aspects, such as using my passions like travelling, watching movies and reading in a creative and fun manner. For example, when I had a video of myself watching the new Disney movie “Encanto” in French and with French subtitles. I also had a paper airplane and the flags of France and Canada, as well as myself describing that I wanted to travel to those places.

My Immersion Clip stands out from the rest in the contest because not only did I work hard and demonstrated how to practice my French speaking outside of school, but I did it in a fun way that other people can understand and comprehend. Yes, it’s hard to practice French in a place like Port Coquitlam or in Vancouver, but I had my own ways on how to get past that, and that other people can try too on their own.

I can use my creative thinking in a way where if I need to build something or make something. For instance, if I need to paint something or touch up a paint job in my house, or even to see what I have to work with in order to make dinner.

Creativity is always something used and needed in life, maybe not every day, but it is definitely essential.

Reflection De Notre Chanson Française

“NOUS DETESTONS TOUT!” Un parodie de le chanson “Bad Blood” par Tayler Swift – YouTube

Coversation 10 – Le Projet de Chanson – Sonoma Booth – .docx (

French Song Project: Creative Thinking

While my group and I were writing our lyrics and creating our song, we encountered a few obstacles. When we first started, we didn’t have any ideas on what to write our song about, we also had troubles with creating videos.

We tried different ideas and tactics, we thought of other ideas until we finally came up with an idea that we all agreed on. We even met up during lunch and after school to work out all of our problems with song.

For our videos, we finally decided on what to film, and the parts that we did film that turned out good, we used them in our final video.

I know that in the end, our video wasn’t like how we wanted it to turn out to be, but I still think that our group did alright. Our song was fun to create and film, and we still worked hard. Our creativity was well demonstrated, and we expressed our creative ideas in our video.