Elemental Fluency Project – Platinum

Here is my elemental fluency project on platinum: 

1. What questions did you need to research in order to create your Sway?

The questions that I used to research in order to create my Sway were “What is platinum?”, “What is platinum used for?”, “Where is platinum found?”, “Is platinum dangerous?”, and “How many electrons, neutrons, and protons does platinum have?”

2. What new or familiar digital tools did you try to use as you worked through this project?

Some new and familiar digital tools that I used to work through my project were Google, Pexels, Creative Commons, Ducksters, EasyBib, The Vancouver Sun, and Live Science.

On Destiny Discovery, I used World Book Online, World Book Advanced, Gale Engage, Web Library, Explora, KNOW BC, and Topic Finder.

3. What was the process you used to investigate the topic and how did you verify and cite the information you found? 

The process that I used to investigate the topic is that I started with one question, took my notes, then cited the site or the source that I used, after that, I continued from there with the next source.

I verified and cited my information with EasyBib and I always made sure that the website that I used had similar if not the same information as other sites, and that the site I was using was secure and safe.

4. How did the process of completing this challenge go? What could you have done better? 

The process of completing this challenge went very well for me. I worked very hard every time in class and at home, I did my work, I cited my sources, I added some pictures, I took the right notes, and I had good, thorough, and thoughtful questions to ask and to research.

I could have improved on some finer details of my research if I had a bit more time, but other than that I think I did a pretty good job.

Science 9 – Currents From The Kitchen Lab

The Purpose of this Experiment :

Which fruit or vegetable will produce the most electric voltage during this experiment?

My Hypothesis: 

When I attach both the galvanized nail and the copper strip to my banana, then the greatest voltage possible will happen.

The Materials Needed:  

  • One voltmeter
  • Two wires
  • One galvanized nail with zinc
  • One copper strip
  • A banana
  • A knife








(We also had half of a potato and half of a lemon to use)

The Procedure: 

  1. Attach the galvanized nail and the copper strip to the fruit or vegetable
  2. Attach the voltmeter using both wires to the fruit or vegetable
  3. Record all of your results
  4. Compare your results with other pieces of fruit or vegetables

Reason Why: 

With the banana, I noticed that it had work for previous experiments that I did at other schools, so I decided to try it again with this experiment. Bananas are usually a great source of energy, so I thought, why can’t it be a source of electrical energy as well.

My Observations: 

  • When we had both our galvanized nail and our copper strip in the lemon, it ended up working better when we moved the nail around, especially more towards the center.
  • When we moved both pieces of metal around, it worked better in the center for the banana, the lemon, and the potato.
  • When we poked the vegetable or fruit with the nail or copper strip, the voltage went up and down rapidly, but it went back to the original voltage in the end when we stopped.


The voltage of my banana : 0.5 (what happened at first), 0.79 (what happened with both the galvanized nail and the copper strip in the center of the banana)

The voltage of the potato : 0.7 (what happened at first), 0.8 (what happened with both the galvanized nail and the copper strip in the center of the potato)

The voltage of the lemon : 0.9 (same in both the center and what happened at first)

The voltage of both the potato and the banana (the potato was on top of the banana) : 0.87

The voltage of the banana, lemon and the potato (the banana was on the bottom, then the potato in the middle, and finally the lemon on top): 0.95



Here was what the banana looked like in the end with all of our tests to find the most powerful voltage possible.






Here is what our potato looked like in the end of our experiment with all of the leftover colour of green from the copper strip.





Finally, this was the final outcome of our lemon with no more citrusy juice unlike before when we moved the galvanized nail all around the centre of the lemon.





With this experiment, the fruit with the most voltage was the banana when both the galvanized nail and the copper strips was in the center of the banana. The voltage for that was 0.79 volts at the end of both tests.

I was also correct with my hypothesis when I said that the banana would produce the most voltage when I attach both pieces of metal.

I now wonder what would happen if it was in ammeters. Instead of finding the most powerful voltage for this experiment, what would happen if we were to find the fruit or vegetable with the most powerful mA?

Some Extra Questions:  

  1. What was causing the electrons to flow during this experiment?                                                                     The fruit is an electrolyte solution like with all fruits more or less, so that was what causing the electrons to flow on the metal during this experiment.
  2. What were the dependent, the independent, and the controlled variables during this experiment?       The dependent variable during this experiment was the voltage, the independent variable was the type of fruit used each time, and the controlled variable was where we placed the two pieces of metal each time on each fruit or vegetable.
  3. How can we modify the experiment to improve our results?                                                                             One thing we could have done to improve our results was to try to use more citrusy fruits to see if our results would improve or if they would just stay the same in the end. We could have also try to compare both citrusy fruits from the less citrusy fruits to see what would happen then. Would there be any different or similar results from before?
  4. What could be a source of error or of uncertainty in your experiment?                                                          For us, we could have brought more fruit to class for our experiment, picked a more citrusy fruit or a bigger fruit to see what would happen then, and had a whole potato or lemon instead of a half.
  5. How can I use this in my everyday life?                                                                                                                   I could use this in my everyday life if I ever need a bit of electricity from a different source, for example, a fruit.

Indigenous Exploration – Kamloops Indian Residential School – Self Assessment 

For this project, we were told to get into groups and to choose a topic between First Nations social issues or a residential school across Canada. My group and I decided on residential schools, we then started our research, then what we were going to say, and finally we recorded it.

We chose a residential school in Kamloops, British Columbia called Kamloops Indian Residential School. This was also the school that found the 215 bodies in May 2021.

While creating this assignment, we experienced how to use Audacity, working together as a group, dividing subject amongst each other, and more about the Kamloops Indian Residential School. I’ve used Audacity before, but it was a while ago, so it was nice to use it again for this project. We worked really well together as a group; we communicated very well, divided parts of the project equally, and we had fun doing it too.

With researching, our group started on the school websites such as Gale, Curio, and Topic Finder. We found a lot of useful information for our podcast in videos and articles.

Some obstacles that we encountered during this project were when we messed up while recording, adding the music in the background, putting all of the information and notes together, and knowing what everyone was going to say.

Some ways that I communicated my learning of this project was during this project when we created our podcast, I took a lot of detailed notes and I put a lot of thought into them. I am also sharing this information with my peers, teachers, and classmates so everyone else can learn more about the wrong that we’ve done to First Nations peoples of Canada.

Here is our Indigenous Exploration project on the Kamloops Indian Residential School:


  • Curio, 7 Oct. 2021, https://curio.ca/en/catalog/146cabc3-1954-4819-9f67-4f61b60e3c9b. Accessed 7 Mar. 2022.
  • “Scholarly Resources for Learning and Research | Gale.” Canada Indian Residential Schools, 2019, https://www.gale.com/.
  • “Scholarly Resources for Learning and Research | Gale.” Indian Residential Schools , 2019, https://www.gale.com/.
  • “Scholarly Resources for Learning and Research | Gale.” Residential Schools , 2017, https://www.gale.com/.
  • “Scholarly Resources for Learning and Research | Gale.” Residential Schools, 2019, https://www.gale.com/. 

Science 9 – Periodic Table Feedback Reflection

What I know well about the periodic table:

What I know about the periodic table are the families, how many periods there are in the table, the groups and their names, the amount of valence electrons for each family, how the table is arranged, and what are the metals, the non-metals, and the metalloids.

I did well with knowing how many elements were in the periodic table, which elements are liquids, solids, metalloids, gases, metals and non-metals. I also know who created the periodic table, how many families there are, what is not on the periodic table, and how to describe an atom.

I did really good on knowing if elements can be decomposed, what Bohr models are and their shells and electrons. With that, I think that I did I pretty good job on learning and understanding about the periodic table.

What I still need to work on regarding the periodic table:

Some things that I still need to work on is remembering what a ductile is. For example, I know now that a ductile is strong and has some flexibility to it as well as durability, which is why it can be made into a wire.

I also need to remember that Halogens is the only family that has a solid, a liquid, and a gas chemical at room temperature. Not only that, but that a Sulphide ion – or a Sulfur ion – has more electrons than protons, which is why there is a 2- where the ion charge is.

Along with that, what happens with an exothermic reaction, and the difference between a physical and chemical change. When a exothermic reaction happens, heat is released. The difference between a physical and chemical change is when a physical change has no new substances added to it.

What I wonder about the periodic table:

What I wonder about the periodic table is if anyone will soon discover if there are indeed more elements to go with the periodic table or not. Other than that, I don’t have any other questions about the periodic table.

What goals will I set to understand the periodic table better:

What I want to do in order for me to better understand the periodic table, is to retake the Kahoot, because then I can see for myself if I have improved or not.

I also want to try and learn more about the periodic table if I can, so I can have a better understanding of it, but also to test my knowledge.

Immersion Clip – Self Reflection

Voici mon vidéo!

Mes Façons Comment Garder Mon Français Vivant:

Dans mon vidéo, je parle à propos mes façons comment je garde le français dans ma vie quotidienne. J’utilise des stratégies comme lire des livres que j’aime, et de regarder des films et des séries de télévision que j’aime aussi. Je veux utiliser le français quand je serais plus âgé parce que je veux voyager à la France et au Québec encore avec ma famille et mes amis.

Voici le lien pour voir mon Immersion Clip sur YouTube – Here is the link to see my Immersion Clip on YouTube: Mon Projet de Franco – YouTube

I think that I demonstrated my creative thinking very well during this project with many aspects, such as using my passions like travelling, watching movies and reading in a creative and fun manner. For example, when I had a video of myself watching the new Disney movie “Encanto” in French and with French subtitles. I also had a paper airplane and the flags of France and Canada, as well as myself describing that I wanted to travel to those places.

My Immersion Clip stands out from the rest in the contest because not only did I work hard and demonstrated how to practice my French speaking outside of school, but I did it in a fun way that other people can understand and comprehend. Yes, it’s hard to practice French in a place like Port Coquitlam or in Vancouver, but I had my own ways on how to get past that, and that other people can try too on their own.

I can use my creative thinking in a way where if I need to build something or make something. For instance, if I need to paint something or touch up a paint job in my house, or even to see what I have to work with in order to make dinner.

Creativity is always something used and needed in life, maybe not every day, but it is definitely essential.

Community Connection

For my Community Connection project, I interviewed the Technical Director of Port Coquitlam Euro-Rite Soccer Club and former professional soccer player, Oliver Heald.

Mr. Heald used to play for the Vancouver 86er’s, also known today as the Vancouver Whitecaps, for Port Vale and for Scarborough when he was in England, and for the Seattle Sounders.

His roles and responsibilities as being a professional soccer player were to be in proper shape so he could always preform to the best of his abilities throughout the season, but also to conduct himself in a professional manner on and off the field for the team and the club.


I wanted to interview Mr. Heald because one of my passions is playing soccer.

I love playing soccer with my family, friends, or even watching it and learning something new. I’ve been playing soccer since I was 5 years old and I thought that I could interview Mr. Heald and talk to him about soccer, as I play for the U15 Port Coquitlam Euro-Rite Girls soccer team.


Here are some screenshots of emails that Mr. Heald and I had.


What I learned from Mr. Heald is that it takes a great amount of time, work, and effort in order to get to where you want to go in life, like becoming a professional soccer player.


It’s not just about having the talent or skill to play, but to try your best and to put yourself out there.



Here is Mr. Heald’s response to the questions I emailed him:

Ok Sonoma- I hope this helps and thank you for reaching out:)


  1. My role with being a professional soccer player is to make sure I am in proper shape so I can perform at my best ability throughout the season. Also to conduct myself on and off the field in a professional manner and have the team (club) I play for represented properly and professionally. When a club pays you money you want to make sure you deliver your personal product to match.


  1. Well I started my professional career over seas in England and as a “foreigner” playing abroad you really have to show well in order to secure a position on a team with many local players wanting your spot. I had to go through many days of hardship trying to fit in and show the coaches and gaffer (another name for manager) that I belonged. I was fortunate enough to do just that at age 18 when I tried out for Port Vale FC and got my first professional contract for 2 years.


  1. Simple- if it is a dream to play at the highest levels then do everything you can to make it happen. Giving up stuff you want to do so you can work on getting to the professional level is imperative. I had to miss many high school dances, nights at friends house or just even hanging with buddies as I was constantly training to reach my goal. It is a tough route but we’ll worth it when you finally make it:)    My dad has a saying try, try, try and once you think you have  it, try again!                                                  In 1990 I tried out for the U16 a Canadian National team and we had 4 stages of evaluations throughout a 18 month span. I was cut 2 times and it made me more committed to make the final 2 stages which included trying to qualify for the U16 World Cup. I said to myself “if these coaches think they have seen the last of me they are sorely mistaken” well I made the last two stages and was on the team that went to the qualification tournament in Trinidad and Tobago. We didn’t qualify 😀.


  1. Again simple- because I showed that I was good as a kid it progressed into me really enjoying the sport and wanting more form it. Sport is in my blood


  1. I wish I could have played longer at the higher levels. Something about competition is very addictive and I may have Troyes to stay over in England longer instead of coming back to play for the Vancouver 86ers/ Whitecaps.


  1. Hmmmm…. Great question! Probably stay the course and keep working at my craft. You can’t take a day off when you are a professional athlete as someone is always looking to take your spot. So maybe just work harder than anyone else.


Now I know what I have to do to get where I have to go just as Mr. Heald did himself for soccer.

I know what is out there for me to experience for soccer if I ever want to become a professional soccer player or do anything else with soccer when I’m older.

Thank you very much Mr. Heald for your time and it was a pleasure to interview you.


Fictional Science Safety Story

My Science Safety Story

It all started when I walked into Science 10 class that very morning – I’m Scarlett Amber by the way, if I didn’t already mention that.

Anyways, I walked into class and took my usual spot on the left side of the classroom near the back as the other kids my age in my class were funnelling in. After everyone was settled down (or as much as “settled down” as we could be for a grade 10 class) our Science 10 teacher, Ms. Marbella  started to speak.

“Okay class, so, I’m assuming we all know what to do today.” She started while fixing her round glasses. “As this is a lab day today, if there is anyone wearing any baggy clothes, you’ll have to roll them up. Food goes away and bags or backpacks are at the front of the class along with your phones and EarPods or whatever have you these days.”

As people started to move around, Ms. Marbella continued “I’m hoping that everyone will be making ethical decisions and following the guidelines that are written on the board. Our scientific dilemma today will be the evolution of insured animals: If they are injured, should we replace they’re DNA, give them a vaccine, or just let Mother Naturel takes its course? Should this be legal? Is this right or wrong? Your job today is to make a vaccine for an animal and what it would do. Now obviously, we won’t use it on an animal knowing what some of you do.” She said looking directly at Damon and Alex, the two best friends, the dynamic duo, who always cause havoc in any class.

“After you make your own vaccine as a group, explain your thoughts and your scientific methods, assuming you all remember it, if not, it is on the board.” She said turning to the board behind her. “Report your moral and ethnical findings with a valid answer. Okay, lastly, please use your science mindset, be safe, clean up after yourselves, and you may go off into your groups.”

I looked up on the board to see who’s group I was in, until Damon and Alex came over to my table. “Hey, I think we’re in the same group.” Said Alex, I responded with a head nod, and they both sat down on the table where my book and notes were.

“Okay, so we’ll need a beaker, a thermometer, an iron ring, two pairs of tongs, four test tubes, two test tube claps, a Bunsen burner, a test tube rack, a file, a funnel, a graduated cylinder, two micropipettes, one dropper, four corks, an evaporating dish, an Erlenmeyer flask, a mortar and pestle, a pipet, and a well plate.” I finally said after reading off that incredibly long list. “Sorry, what did you say?” said Damon. “You know what,” I said in frustration “Here.” I tossed Alex and Damon the list that I just read out. “You two go get all of those things on the list, come back, and we’ll start.” They walked away and I started writing down our scientific method. The two boys come back, and I start reading out the instructions, “Okay, first, we’ll need our safety googles on…” I started to say as I looked to see them both swigging their googles around instead of putting them on their heads. Just then, Ms. Marbella started to speak.

“Actually class, I have to leave the classroom for a bit, so why don’t you all talk amongst yourselves, and I’ll be back in about 40 minutes, okay? So don’t do anything while I’m gone, okay? Good.” She nodded her head, then closed the door behind her as she left.

Not even 20 seconds after Ms. Marbella left, the class broke out into complete chaos. People were fighting, laughing, bottle flipping, crashing and breaking glass, playing with chemicals, while I was reading my book happily.

That was of course until I heard a ‘CRASH!’ right beside me. I looked over to see Alex picking up the pieces of a broken beaker (which he probably broke) with his hands! “Woah! Alex, stop! ” I said as quickly as I could while putting down my book, but I was too late: Alex cut his hand and it was bleeding rapidly. “Huh…” Alex started, then I found some pieces of paper towel by the sink and gave it to Alex so he could keep the bleeding under control, “Go wash your hand under the sink and I’ll take care of this.” I told Alex while he was looking in shock at the amount of blood his hand had. I got a broom and dustpan and cleaned up all the glass when I heard someone saying “Oh dude, yeah! Let’s go!”

Then, I turned around and saw Damon shaking a can which looked a lot like a Coca-Cola can, until I realized that it was a bottle with a gas cylinder symbol on it.

BOOM! The can exploded open with white foam all over Damon’s face and the substance went into his eyes! I look around the class in horror to see broken beakers everywhere one the floor along with thermometers, test tubes, an evaporating dish, and so much more glass along with chemicals everywhere all over desks.

I didn’t know what to do, only to lead Damon to the eye wash station in the back of the class and I told him to stay there pushing the button to shoot water into his eyes until he heard my alarm go off after 15 minutes.

I turned away from Damon to find a group of people tossing back and forth a can that read ‘Flammable – Use Extreme Caution’.


“NO!!!” I grabbed the can from midair just as someone was tossing it and slammed it onto Ms. Marabella’s desk. That’s when I decided to stand on the desk and shout at the class.

“Okay, I think we all had some fun, now, let’s take care of this before we all get expelled!” After that statement, the whole class was starring at me in complete silence, and my whole body was shaking with nerves. “How about this,” I started to say with an idea forming in my mind, “if and only if we all clean up well, I’ll bring cookies of everyone tomorrow!” Of course, everyone was cheering, and they started working really hard after that.

Then I started to give out instructions like ‘clean that up’ or ‘replace that’, and ‘no, don’t eat that!’. I also saw Alex about to put into his eyes a bottle which read ‘Corrosive’ on it, and I immediately took that away from him.

I could have sworn that I was taking to kids in kindergarten.

Just as the teacher walked in, most of us were sitting down at our group tables and talking, and the rest of the people standing up were pretending not to be cleaning anything else or putting any chemicals away like myself, I putting away a chemical that read ‘Health Hazard’ on it.

“Well, that’s good to know that no one’s eyebrow’s are missing.” Said Ms. Marbella with a smile on her face. “Anyways, as we were saying before…” she started now with the whole class listening and paying attention to her.

“And what was your hypothesis Ms. Amber?” Ms. Marbella asked me at the end of the lab. “Well,” I said looking at Damon with his puffy red eyes and Alex with is cleaned up hand winking and waving at me all happy-like. “ I think that vaccines are a good idea and all, but sometimes animals should learn to do things on their own. Let Mother Nature take its course, even with a bit of motivation.” I said with a wink back towards the troublesome duo. Ms. Marbella nodded her head in agreement and walked away.

The bell rang 5 minutes later, and everything was back as the way it should be.

We did our lab, nobody is missing an eye or hand or an eyebrow, and we were all safe in the end. Ah, thank goodness I remember everything last year from Science 9, or else that would have been a complete disaster.

Refection Sur Le Projet de Groupe

Socials Group Project – The French Revolution


When our group started working on this project, we first talked about how we were going to divide up the work so that everyone was equal. We talked about what we were going to work on and discus, such as “La Prise de la Bastille” and when King Louis the XVI and his family tried to escape France.

After that, we discussed and planned how we wanted to present our information to our teacher and to our peers. Every day we went through each step to make sure that we didn’t miss anything and to make sure that we all knew what we were still doing and working on.

Critical Thinking

Whenever we started a new task or one of us in the group had a new idea, we always questioned if it was a good idea for our subject. For example, if one of us had the idea of adding a funny clip into our video to add some humor, we always made sure that it made sense to us and for our audience. We developed our ideas along the way together and we always worked together.

For designing the video, I was the one doing it because I have an app on my phone to help create videos. I worked hard on creating the video and I think that the end result was very good; it was amusing, engaging, and it showed our understanding of the French revolution and what happened during that period in time in  history.

Personal Awareness

I know that I worked hard every time that we were given time to work on the project, I always put my best foot forward in making my own decisions and in making my own choices. If I ever had to ask my fellow group members for their help or their advice on the video or with anything else, I would ask for their opinion.

I was always ready to work inside or outside of the class with our group and I was determined to accomplish our daily goals along with our overall goal: to work hard and do well on this group assignement.



Digital Footprint

When people first hear about me, they think I’m someone who always posts on Instagram or Snapchat and who always shares their personal in formation.

To be honest; I am nothing like that.

SocialBar ‑ Social Media Icons | Shopify App Store

I don’t really post on any social media platforms, in fact, I only have two and I don’t really use them. I only post for birthdays and when I’m with my friends, and that’s all way too private for me to share with the public.

What I saw didn’t really surprise me, but it might surprise others.

How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities?
Give at least two examples.

When I first heard about this project, my thoughts were to first search up my name on Google. What came up? Well, the top three things it showed me were a Sonoma Booth photo company, a photo booth, and a telephone booth.

Photo Booth Rentals in Sonoma for Weddings & Events | Photomatica.com

Of course, I laughed at the fact that I’m a telephone booth on Google, but then I realized that my social media platforms might be different or the same. So I decided to take a look. I looked up booth – oops, I mean both – my social media accounts and nothing came up.

I was glad that I didn’t have a digital footprint, but at the same time, I realized how that would be a problem for me in the future with trying to find a job and when trying to get into a good university.

How would I get a job without any history? How would I get into a university? I mean, without any digital history, how could  I get a job? Well, I can always create a social media in the future that is specifically for friends, family and jobs. Without evidence about who I am or what I do, I know my possibilities of having a job in the future would be pretty hard for me.

Logos - SFU Communicators Toolkit - Simon Fraser UniversityUBC Logos | UBC Brand

Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.

Well, for one, I wouldn’t post any personal photos of myself or my friends on social media. Perhaps a group selfie would be okay, but not a photo of a big party or any photos of any of us doing anything too radical.

I also wouldn’t share my location or where I live or anything like that. For example, if I were going to a park with my friends or family, I wouldn’t share that with anyone, because that’s me spending personal time with my friends and family.

Finally, I would be very careful on who I follow on social media, because sometimes people aren’t really who they say they are. If I need to search up something or someone, I would also be careful because you can’t trust everything you see and hear on the internet. People often post and share what they think and what their opinion is on the matter, but it isn’t nessasarily true.

15 Awesome Examples of Social Media Marketing

What information did you learn that you would pass on to other students? How would you go about telling them? 

I would definitely tell other students that social media and the internet aren’t things to be trusted wholeheartedly, but I would also say that it’s always a good tool to use.

7 New Social Media Marketing Opportunities on Facebook & More

If you’re trying to find a job, or just bored out of your mind, your digital footprint shows. Maybe not to you, but it does to others around you, or even people you don’t know. Your digital footprint is your personal information, and that is to be kept with you. Don’t abuse it, be careful and useful with it. Whether you’re learning something new or doing a school project, your digital footprint is a reflection on yourself.

Also, if you look yourself up and find out that you’re a telephone booth, you might want to fix that.

Yours for £1: what would you do with a traditional red phone box? | Design | The Guardian

Photo Citations:

Bredava, Anna. “Social Media .” 15 Awesome Examples Of Social Media Marketing , 16 Sept. 2020, cdn.searchenginejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/outstanding-social-media-campaigns-5f60d3e4bb13b.png.   (Google Images)

McCoy, Julia. “Social Media .” 7 New Social Media Marketing Opportunities On Facebook & More, 8 Feb. 2021, cdn.searchenginejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/social-media-opportunities-601bc9d146e00-1280×720.png.   (Google Images)

“Photo Booth.” Photomatica: Photo Booth Rentals In Sonoma , 2020, images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5c61df06aadd342e7eedaec2/1574692866755-PMYQMWPPGY4VW73VU87L/Photo-matica+Photo+Booth+on+TI.png.   (Google Images)

“SFU: Simon Fraser University .” Simon Fraser University Logos, www.sfu.ca/content/sfu/communicators-toolkit/guides/brand-guide/logos/jcr:content/main_content/image.img.640.medium.png/1558555514694.png.   (Google Images)

“Social Media .” Shopify App Store , cdn.shopify.com/app-store/listing_images/0dce682fb3602fe48c948f046351cae8/icon/CM+lh970lu8CEAE=.png.   (Google Images)

“Telephone Booths.” The Guardian , 15 Mar. 2021, i.guim.co.uk/img/media/cb333c18b9f399d3fdd4bb17acbfa4fa59bf5159/0_244_5119_3070/master/5119.jpg?width=445&quality=45&auto=format&fit=max&dpr=2&s=6ddc6fd2dc45285b4cb0d4c64f9e1f88.              (Google Images)

“UBC: University of British Columbia .” UBC Logos, brand.ubc.ca/files/2018/09/Logos_1_1FullLogoDownload_768px.jpg.   (Google Images)