Français Langue 9 – Core Competencies Reflection

Here is the link to the document: 

Riverside CC’s Self Assessment Document – Reflection

Here is our add for our project that my group and I made together: 

Here is my reflection: 



I think that my group and I did a fantastic job on our collaboration part of the project. We all worked great together on the project and distributed our tasks evenly, even if one of us weren’t present in class. For example, whenever someone had a dance competition, or had an important appointment to attended to, or was even not feeling well, we all still did our part of the project along with the rest of our group members.

Whenever one of us had a new or interesting idea to share with the rest of the group, we all listened together and shared any other ideas that we came up with. When one of our ideas wasn’t quite clear, we would build upon the original idea as a base and have an even better idea then we did before.

Whenever there was a problem that we came across as a group, we all resolved it together. When we needed to create a box for the board game itself or we needed to review some of the cards and their spelling, we all did that together as a group.

I think we all did an incredible job on our collaboration part of the project.


For our communication part of the project, I think we could have improved on a few things together as a group. For focusing on the intent and the purpose of the project, we all understood that this was a group project and that we had to create an engaging and interactive board game, but at some points we focused on the little details too much and less on the bigger picture. We would focus on the small point of view in front of us, but we didn’t really take a step back to look and to see the bigger picture.

Along with that, we presented our information well to everyone, but some spots still could have been a bit more clear as well. Other than that, I feel that we all did an outstanding job on our project together.

Immersion Clip – Self Reflection

Voici mon vidéo!

Mes Façons Comment Garder Mon Français Vivant:

Dans mon vidéo, je parle à propos mes façons comment je garde le français dans ma vie quotidienne. J’utilise des stratégies comme lire des livres que j’aime, et de regarder des films et des séries de télévision que j’aime aussi. Je veux utiliser le français quand je serais plus âgé parce que je veux voyager à la France et au Québec encore avec ma famille et mes amis.

Voici le lien pour voir mon Immersion Clip sur YouTube – Here is the link to see my Immersion Clip on YouTube: Mon Projet de Franco – YouTube

I think that I demonstrated my creative thinking very well during this project with many aspects, such as using my passions like travelling, watching movies and reading in a creative and fun manner. For example, when I had a video of myself watching the new Disney movie “Encanto” in French and with French subtitles. I also had a paper airplane and the flags of France and Canada, as well as myself describing that I wanted to travel to those places.

My Immersion Clip stands out from the rest in the contest because not only did I work hard and demonstrated how to practice my French speaking outside of school, but I did it in a fun way that other people can understand and comprehend. Yes, it’s hard to practice French in a place like Port Coquitlam or in Vancouver, but I had my own ways on how to get past that, and that other people can try too on their own.

I can use my creative thinking in a way where if I need to build something or make something. For instance, if I need to paint something or touch up a paint job in my house, or even to see what I have to work with in order to make dinner.

Creativity is always something used and needed in life, maybe not every day, but it is definitely essential.