Final Quarter Reflection – Tech Team

Tech Team Reflection

This year as a member of the Tech Team, there have been many new experiences that I have had the chance to be a part of. Some examples are helping to welcome in new grade nines, being in the Maker Space in the morning before school, during lunch and after school to help with any assignments, assisting with welcoming in parents of future grade nines to our school, and coming in early to work at the Wave.

During this last term, some initiatives and volunteering that I have been involved with are coming in early to provide any assistance needed at the Wave, helping in the Maker Space during class time or early in the morning, and by helping with any technical problems in my classes. I try to help in my classes whenever I can to the best of my abilities and I was working in the Wave for 380 minutes during the month of April, 360 minutes in May and about 100 minutes in June.

Something that I learned during this term was how to use the 3D printer better with the help of Tinker Cad, Mrs. Henderson and Ms. Leung. My strength with 3D printing is how to create a design using Thinker Cad, then exporting it in as the correct file to prepare for slicing. With that, a challenge I had was not knowing how to slice as I have never done it before. At first, I was a bit unsure of how to slice my print, but after being shown how to do the process a couple of times, I now know how to do it myself and how to help others as well. Something small I learned about the 3D printer was that when printing, the printer will create a base for the print job, therefore it does not stick to the glass or plastic printing mat.

With the end of the year approaching, I am now hoping to continue to print projects next year using the 3D printer whether they are big or small, for school or for myself, then I can also improve and experiment with the knowledge that I have. Along with that, I hope that I can assist other students and teachers with using the 3D printers correctly, either with the Tinker Cad program, or with slicing on the Maker Space computer.

Blog Finale du Cours – Culture Comparées 12

Ma Réflexion du Cours

Tout au long du cours, nous avons appris plusieurs de nouveaux aspects des autres cultures en Europe et l’Asie. Avec cela, nous avons aussi appris plus de nouvelles informations et des idées particulières à ces cultures. Ces informations et idées m’avaient aidé à encore développer mon français oral en plusieurs façons, même si on n’utilise pas ces mots dans nos vies quotidiennes. Par exemple, les mots qui sont reliés avec les religions, les nourritures, les plates classiques, les objets de la culture et les autres faits intéressantes de la culture. Quelques mots pourraient être cracher, comme les Grecques font quand ils veulent éliminer les esprits négatifs ; un duomo, qui est une église italienne ; la balalaïka, qui est un instrument russe similaire à une guitare ; la boussole, qui a été inventé durant la dynastie Han en Chine avec les quatre grandes inventions ; les règles élémentaires de comportement du Chine ; et Obon, une célébration des morts au Japon.

Avec toutes ces nouvelles informations, j’aime partager cela avec mes autres amis et ma famille comme mes parents, tantes, oncles, couins, grands-parents, etc. Souvent, quand les membres de ma famille me demandent comment école se passe, je réponds avec ce que j’avais appris durant ce cours, par exemple les autres cultures, les traditions de ces cultures et les sports nationaux de ces cultures. Quand je mentionne les sports à ma famille ou mes amis, cela est quand nous parlons et discute à propos des autres sports autour du monde qui sont similaires à ce que je mentionne.

Ce cours m’avait beaucoup aidée à mieux comprendre le concept de culture parce que je sais qu’il y a encore plus à faire avec les cultures comme d’où ils sont dans le monde, les plates uniques aux cultures, les vêtements portent par le peuple, toutes les religions de ces cultures et l’histoire de la culture. De plus, ce cours m’avait aidée avec mes passions et les curiosités que j’en ai à propos des cultures que nous avons appris. Par exemple, à choisir où je veux voyager, quelles places je veux visiter, les places historiques, les plates à essayer moi-même et encore plus.

Quand je serai plus âgée, je veux voyager tout autour du monde pour apprendre tout ce que je peux à propos du monde et les autres cultures. Peut-être que je peux aider les autres personnes dans les autres places du monde, ou je peux apprendre à comment aider les autres. En tout cas, je sais que je veux apprendre plus à propos des cultures du monde et maintenant je sais où je veux commencer.

À travers ce cours, mon amélioration de ma tolérance culturelle a grandi encore plus parce que je sais que chaque culture est unique avec plusieurs aspects importants qui rendent la culture à où elle est aujourd’hui. Maintenant, je peux mieux respecter et je suis plus conscient des autres cultures avec plusieurs religions, des classes sociales diffèrent et les croyances uniques.

Ce cours m’avait aidé à clarifie ma propre identité et à me mieux comprendre en plusieurs façons. Par exemple, pour ma propre identité, je sais connais de nouveaux faits intéressants à propos de la culture indienne que je ne savais pas en avance, comme les montants d’autres religions il y en a en Inde avec leur population de croyance énorme. Pour me mieux comprendre, je sais pour certain quels places et quelles cultures que je veux explorer plus autour du monde, par exemple, en Inde pour voir ma famille et pour aller apprendre plus à propos du sikhisme en Punjab.

Voici ma présentation de ma culture préférée de cette cours:


Electric Car – Final Project – Physics 11

Our Materials List and Reasoning: 

  • Carboard for the base and frame of our car – lighter for more speed and less weight
  • Rear wheel drive with four wheels from the Maker Space – faster than front wheel drive when the car accelerates as the weight shifts backwards towards the opposite end of the car allowing more taction to occur on the wheels
  • A rear wing made of cardboard – reduces the low-pressure zone behind the car meaning less turbulence and less drag force to create a downforce so the car has more stability at a higher speed
  • Two AA batteries – power our DC motor
  • A battery pack – holds our two batteries
  • A DC motor – powers our car to move backwards and forwards
  • A driver gear of ten teeth that is attached to the motor – powers the driven gear to move
  • A driven gear of 40 teeth (Designed using TinkerCad) – powered by the driver gear
  • A 4:1 gear ratio made by the 3-D Printer – this will increase the torque of our car and its ability to do work (the more torque the car has, the more power the engine can produce and this allows our car to accelerate from rest)
  • A hot glue gun – this will hold the bas and frame of our car together
  • A 0.4mm wooden axle – how our four wheels will rotate (the axle will be cut into two pieces)
  • Two plastic straws for each axle to go into – helps the rotation of the axle and wheels
  • A painted design of Lightning McQueen – the king of speed
  • An H-Bridge circuit – allows our car to move both forwards and backwards with switches to open and close the circuits for current to flow in opposite directions (negative to positive and positive to negative)

Pictures of our Work:

Our Motor Car Design:


The Driven Gear:

Our Circuit:

Our Bibliography: 

17, Dave on April, et al. “H-Bridges – The Basics.” Modular Circuits, Accessed 10 June 2024.

Korf, Ian. “RWD vs. FWD: Part 1 – Preliminaries.” You Suck at Racing, 8 Nov. 2021,,line%2C%20RWD%20wins%20every%20time. 

Nath, Devang S., et al. “Drag Reduction by Application of Aerodynamic Devices in a Race Car – Advances in Aerodynamics.” SpringerOpen, Springer Singapore, 28 Jan. 2021,,2).&text=The%20wing%20is%20another%20essential,is%20different%20in%20its%20functioning. 

Rozum. “How to Calculate Gear Ratio and Not Get Mad.” Rozum Robotics LLC, Rozum Robotics LLC,,speed%20but%20boost%20the%20torque. Accessed 10 June 2024. 

“What Is Torque in a Car?” Kia British Dominica,,vehicle%20is%20beginning%20to%20start. Accessed 10 June 2024. 

Our Final Results


Throughout the week that we have been working on the electric car project, our hard work and dedication to move our DC motor car has become a success! This wouldn’t have occurred without the use of our knowledge from this Physics 11 class that we used throughout the project with our designing and problem solving skills. This knowledge includes what we learned during our Kinematics 1, Kinematics 2, Dynamics and Energy units. All together, we brought in the concepts of speed, acceleration, force, power and electricity to help our car move.

With our designing process, some examples of us using our physics concepts were with our cardboard base, gears with the gear ratio, front wheel drive, rear wing at the back of our car, as well as an H-bridge circuit controller to move our vehicle back and forth. Each one of these were vital with the success of our motor car. To start, the cardboard base was to make the frame of the car sturdy and light, and was held together by light amounts of hot glue to assure that everything was being held together in its place. Next, with our gears and the gear ratio, we had to find a driver gear that would attach to our motor and from there, we designed a driven gear with more teeth than our driver gear using the gear ratio, so then the gears could turn the axle and wheels. The decision to make our motor DC car front wheel drive instead of rear wheel drive was because it is faster for when the car accelerates as the weight of the car shifts towards the back, which then leads to the car having more traction – or friction, a term used from the Dynamics unit. The rear wing of our car is in the design to reduce the pressure behind the car so it runs smoothly with less friction and more speed. Finally, we chose an H-bridge design for our circuit because it allows our car to move both forward and backwards. This happens with the opening of the connection to the circuit and allowing the current of electrons to flow in opposite directions.

Towards the part where we were trying to have our car move forwards and backwards, we ran into a few problems. Initially, it was the size of our driven gear which was slightly larger then our wheels from the Maker Space. To solve that, we simply resized the original gear using the Thinker Cad program, re-printed our driven gear and found another driver gear that was smaller. Not only that, but the driver gear had to also fit with the teeth of the new driven gear, as well as fit in the hole connected to our motor. After that, we realized that our car wouldn’t move as the car was too heavy for the motor to move it. As a result, we took apart the sides of our car and cut down the sides of the base to make it lighter so our car could move faster. Finally, once the base of our car was downsized, we had to resize our wheels. In order for that the happen, we decided to take off the Maker Space wheels and print two wheels using the 3D printer. In the end, we had our own two 3D printed wheels for the rear of our car with our driven gear attached to the axle, as well as a smaller wheel in the front so our motorized car could still be front wheel drive with more speed.

In conclusion, we had success with our designing of the car, even though we came upon a few hiccups along the way, our group still managed to power through with our problem solving skills in order to have an electric DC motor car that moved both forwards and backwards. As a bonus, we even finished our race in 7.90 seconds!

Core Competency Reflection and Goal – Chemistry 11

In Chemistry 11 so far, I have shown strength and growth with my critical thinking skills, and I will continue to do so. I can analyze and critique my work, question and investigate what leaves me confused, as well as develop my learning and comprehension skills.

For instance, I can analyze and critique my completed homework or lab work, then rewrite or reword it in order for it to make complete sense to the reader. For questioning and investigating, if there are any questions that confuse me, then I can ask my peers or the teacher questions. After that, I can try to solve the problem and investigate for the correct process and answer myself or with the help of someone else. When developing my learning and comprehension skills, that can be done with the help of asking my teacher or peers for assistance and by practicing more of the material that is being done in class. Whether it is extra practice or refining my skills, it will still be useful in the correct direction.

Lastly, my goal for future Chemistry labs is to continue to measure any lab data with little to no errors along with high precision and accuracy, and to apply my critical thinking skills to the labs in any way that I can.

Core Competency Reflection – Français Langue 11

Here are my Core Competency reflections that show my strength and growth with Français Langue 11.

A Core Competency that shows Strength:

I showed strength with the communication competency by always contributing my ideas to any discussions or conversations with the class, by synthesizing, deepening, and developing my thoughts, and by acquiring, analyzing, and integrating my ideas together with the big ideas of the course. For example, with our group discussions about our class novel study “Monsieur Ibrahim et les Fleurs du Coran”, I always made sure I contributed to our group discussions about what we had read, and the big themes of the book. When it was time to work on our homework for the novel, I always made sure that my ideas and thoughts made sense, then expanded further on those topics and ideas.


A Core Competency that shows Growth:

I feel I could grow more with the critical and reflective thinking competency with examining various perspectives and analyzing interpretations of complex issues. For myself, I believe I need to work on taking time to fully understand a concept if I don’t understand it, and then discover what it is I need to work on in order to achieve better results, such as with French grammar and verbs.

Core Competencies Reflection – Automotive 11

Here is my Core Competency reflection for Automotive 11. I’ve reflected on the communication competency for this reflection, as I find it very useful for working in the automotive shop. I also reflect on my strengths, goals, and what I am planning to do in order to accomplish these goals.

Hope you enjoy!

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Core Competencies Reflection and Goal – English First Peoples 11

Here is my Core Competency reflection for my English First Peoples 11 class, where I reflected on my answering to a question based on a novel I read for the class.

My Goal: To develop a better sense of answering test-like questions by brainstorming ideas that come to mind, making sure I have meaningful points and connections, and by writing them out clearly for the reader to understand