My graphic novel is based on the short story ‘On the Sidewalk Bleeding.’ The exposition of the graphic novel introduces a dangerous man running away after he had stabbed Andy because of being affiliated with the ‘Royals’. As such, Andy did not see this coming and it had eradicated his voice to communicate with others while he was on the ground. In the initiating incident, he had encountered a drunken man that is completely oblivious to Andy’s harsh wound, and the drunkard had told Andy he would be right back. Next, the first rising action would be that when he came back, he mistakenly believed that Andy was also drunk and had offered the young lad a drink. Andy could not reply which would have the drunkard drink the pint bottle that he had offered, and let Andy lay on the ground as a mercy to not call the cops on him as Andy was far too young to drink alcohol. The second rising action would present a loving couple who noticed Andy who was trying to crawl towards them. For a moment, the couple did not know what course of action to take, as they realize that Andy was a ‘Royal’ from his jacket that could endanger them by being mixed with the ‘Guardians’. Unfortunately for Andy, the couple decided to flee away and let him bleed through the rain.
Already midway into the graphic novel, the final rising action would be when Andy would see a grandma scavenging the garbage cans in the alleyway. However, Andy could not gain her attention since the old lady was slightly deaf and the rain was pounding the cans to create a relentless sound. The climax in this short story is that he would conclude that he wanted to be Andy. To explain, the world around him did not acknowledge Andy’s existence lying on the ground bleeding to death and he could ultimately pass away at the age of 16 since no one is aiding him. But, the falling action of the short story would have Andy immediately try to take his purple ‘Royal’ jacket off because he did not want to die having other people to know that he was just a ‘Royal’. However, in the conclusion of the graphic novel, it would have the police officer referring the dead Andy as a ‘Royal’ and Andy’s former lover saying his name is Andy. Overall, this an in-depth explanation of the graphic novel I created.