1984 Political Spectrum

The political spectrum is a system that classifies all the different political roles and jobs in relation to each other. It’s an ideology that puts the political, social and economic values upon one of the geometric axes and ranges from the left to right. The left and right side of the political spectrum is wildly different. The left side tends to be anything to do with equality, freedom, people’s rights and the trade unionism, while on the left, it associates with traditions, values and authority. The right-wing parties would include all the conservatives, classical liberals, Christian democrats and nationalists. The left-wing would be all the parties welcoming change such as, social democrats, communists, socialists, progressives and social liberals. Towards the right is more of an authoritarian government and this type of government believes that everyone should obey the “higher ups” and limits the citizens freedoms. They want everyone in society to be the same and need full control over their country. Whereas the left side, which is more of a libertarianism government believes people should be themselves and that personal freedom should be maximized as much as possible. The government still has power, but not so much that people have a fear of what will happen to them if they act out or say the wrong thing. A great example of an authoritarian government is in the novel, “1984” by George Orwell. In this book, the government INGSOC or the English Socialist Party, holds the most power and doesn’t let anyone speak bad about the government. Big Brother, who is the head and leader of London in this dystopian time is always watching what people are doing and will even go as far as to install cameras outside peoples houses and watch them from helicopters. People in this society, have no control over their own lives and are not allowed and can never disobey the government and their ridiculous rules and regulations. So, INGSOC would definitely fit on the far right of the spectrum, as this government needs the most improvements.