Category: Socials 10
Documentary self-reflection
Settling into peace
How would you describe the first few years after WWI in Canada? Who was happy, who wasn’t, and why? Evidence?
1) After the WWI, Canada was proud of the victory. Bordon the prime minister, was happy after the war. Because the Allied powers ask Canada to sign the Treaty of Versailles. That means now Canada sees the country, not a colony. Canada’s industries were much stronger than before. Women were also happy because they got more women’s right (vote, more women were in the workforce). However, there was a disagreement. Because there had a lot of conflicts. The soldier who went from WWI or veterans were got a conflict with civilians who never went to the war. Workers were in conflict with employers, farmers were unhappy with the government’s economic policies, many Canadians did not appreciate immigrant, and French Canadians were still angry because about the conscription. Many people were disappointed for the government because they brought little peace than people thought. The soldiers who came from the war needed jobs. And some factory which produced weapons, Uniforms, stuff like that, didn’t need anymore. So that means there are fewer jobs and more people. That’s why the soldiers and civilians got a conflict and Winnipeg is the evidence.
Was there any point to the Winnipeg General Strike?
2) Winnipeg general strike in 1919 was one of the most influential strikes in Canada and was based on labor reform in the future. Large-scale unemployment and inflation, the success of the Russian Revolution in 1917, and the growing alliance of revolutionary industries all contributed to this historic strike as causes of postwar labor unrest. Before the Winnipeg general strike happens, the WWI just ended. That means that there are factories that produce products that are no longer needed due to increased bankruptcies and inflation, and it also means that people who went to war as soldiers are looking for jobs. Moreover, although the strike was caused by economic inequality rather than idealism, the success of the Russian Revolution increased interest in socialism. All this has created the necessary conditions for the Winnipeg general strike.
Why did the Liberals win the election of 1921?
3) Mackenzie King, who was in the Liberal Party, had a good campaign strategy. In the 1921 election, managing the economy and taking responsibility for Canadians around the world were emerging as a major problem. The debate over free trade and tariffs played an important role in this election. Mackenzie King focused on the negative aspects of their governance. He accused the Union government of securing victory through corrupt means in 1917 by granting suffrage to voters supported by the election law. He focused on increasing taxes and public debts. Mackenzie King focused on the fall of the government to divert his attention from his position on tariffs. By 1921, Canadian politics was mainly about French / English and Catholic / Protestant divisions. Successful governments like Wilfred Laurier managed to balance those benefits for the common good
Canada divided
Find primary evidence: How did Canadians feel about conscription? Who supported it and who didn’t?
1) There had two opinions about the conscription. Bordon who was the prime minister believed the conscription will be the answer to Canada’s contribution to the war effort. HE promised Britain he would increase the size of the Canadians force for the war effort. But some people opposed it and didn’t like it. Most of the English Canadians supported the conscription. Most of the English Canadian were from Britain and they are proud of their parent’s home country. However, French Canadian opposed the conscription. Some workers also opposed conscription. French Canadians didn’t have pride in France that much, and they believed that they were punished for not enlisting.
What are the messages in the political cartoons?
2) This cartoon tells us about the conscription. We can see, his wife and kid are waving their hand to him, and he is holding the British flag. When Bordon proposed the Convention, most English Canadians responded positively and actively joined the military. The French Canadians who opposed the draft thought their country was Canada, not Britain or France, while the English Canadians thought their home country is British and they were very proud of their country.
Was the Khaki Election rigged or just better democracy?
3) The Khaki Election was rigged. Many Canadians who participated in the war as soldiers in WWI were killed and wounded. These losses have led to more people joining the military. But people’s passion for war has gone away more than ever. This is because they needed a father and a son in their family. Bordon promised the Canadians not to conscript, but after seeing wounded soldiers in Europe that spring, he felt that their sacrifices should not be in vain and should end this war. So he thought conscription was the answer. Bordon thought of elections as a way to bring in conscripts. On December 7, a referendum on conscription began. But just months before the election, Borden manipulated two bills and collected votes from the coalition.
Was the government acting in the interests of the public when enacting conscription?
4) No, it wasn’t. Many people weren’t very interested in war and didn’t want to participate in it. But the government refused to listen to these citizens and was accepted conscription for their benefit. I think if Bordon really thought about the civilians, he wouldn’t make a fabrication in the 1917 election. Bordon only thought Canada would gain a stronger voice in international matters after the war.
Social task
I draw the reconciliation between Indian and Canada. I thought Canada has hurt Indians in many ways. I think a sincere apology is the first step toward reconciliation, although an apology won’t heal their wounds.
Social Reflection #7
Reflection #7
I saw some video that about Indian’s story. The Indian residential school part was feeling excessive distress. The Residential School was a school that was established in Canada in the past to teach aboriginal students. But it was forced. Parents who did not send their kids to residential school were punished, and they were detained in a dormitory because the government thought it would be difficult for them to learn with their parents. The Indian residential school was established in an attempt to educate, convert and integrate the Indians into Canadian society, but the Indians were forced to speak a new language, religion, and culture. Even many students were caught up in violence, abuse and even sexual assault, which led to many unfortunate events. Although all the Indian residential schools are closed now, there will still be heartache for those who experienced the situation at the time. In many past events, as well as Indian residential schools, Indians were subjected to severe discrimination. I think they are obviously an indelible scar on Indian. As we have said that the reason we learn history is not to repeat the same mistakes. So, I think we should learn more and not forget more to prevent the pain of these Indians from repeating. Also, many incidents have hurt Indians deeply, but I think that if the government makes a genuine apology, it can heal some of their wounds.
My home country, Korea is not generous with LGBTQ, and I think it is because we learned it too late. Today, I got a discussion with some students and Mr. Chan. I could hear a lot of opinion in that discussion. I think we should learn about LGBTQ when we are a teenager, but when we better get used to the word gay of kind of that when we are an elementary school. Elementary age is too young to understand all the things that LGBTQ included. But If we learn about LGBTQ without basic knowledge, It can give us an adverse effect. Before we learn about LGBTQ more deeply when we are the teenagers, we must understand that a lot of people are now living, and they are all different. As our physical appearance is all different out gender and gender identity could be different and it’s not a weird thing. While I was researched about LGBTQ, I saw a short film. That short film was a film that has changed the view that homosexuals are popular, and heterosexuals are included in the sexual minority. After I watched it a sudden thought struck me. What is normal? And what is abnormal? I felt that there were no summit and abnormalities in the world. There is the only difference. I think the reason why there are many people who are opposed to SOGI now is that they are not familiar with it. We have been the focus of heterosexuals since the past. That’s why many people still don’t think they’re used to being a sexual minority. However, as we have a slightly different opinion in our debate, I think that LGBTQ is also slightly different in mind. Although it will take a long time, I hope there will be a world where everyone can proudly tell who I am and everyone can accept it naturally.
Social reflection #6
– Concept of History
Why we have to learn history? Most people say, “to avoid making the same mistake again.” This is also the right reason but I think, history is the basis of the things. If we want to learn something, first we have to know what is it. I think history is also basic to know about this country we live in. And I don’t think history only means the past. I think we are constantly making history, just as the moment we live now becomes the past a second later. Currently, we learn only about important events that happened in the past through history. Through such events, it seems to show how we have developed and how to solve the problems that are still lacking.
– Minority groups before 1914
-The Chinese head tax-
Between 1885 and 1923, the Chinese Immigration Act imposed a corporate tax on Chinese entering Canada. With few exceptions, the Chinese had to pay $50 to come to Canada. Later, they had to pay more money. Although the first major wave of Chinese immigrants, which began in 1858, began with a gold rush, many Chinese immigrants came to build CPR. In 1885, the Commission concluded that there was little evidence to support the negative claims against China, but Chinese immigration helped the development of British Columbia.
-The Komagata Maru-
The Komagata Maru was an incident that ruled out immigrants from India from Canada. When Indian immigrants tried to immigrate to Canada on a ship, the Canadian government sent Indian immigrants back for a long time. When they returned to India, most of them were arrested by the British government and many people were shot during the arrest process.
In addition to these incidents, there have been incidents where Canada has opposed many immigrants.
The exclusion of black Oklahoman farmers from coming to Canada in 1910
They came to Canada to avoid racism. However, Canada rejected all black immigrants because Canada thought they were unfit to immigrate to Canada. And this was after 1914, but from 1920 until the end of World War II, Canada rejected Jewish immigrants.
Immigration itself can help the country develop, but in the short term, an increasing number of immigrants can help with economic difficulties. Even in past, Canada might not be ready for a lot of immigrants.
– Women’s history, Equality
Women have been discriminated against for being weak in the history of Canada as well as other countries. Many people in the past hated women’s involvement in politics and thought they could not be leaders. In Canada in the past, women have not been able to vote and have been oppressed in many forms of life. However, unlike what people thought in the past, women were not weak.
It can only be seen in World War I. During World War I, many men were out to fight, so there was a huge manpower shortage. But it was the women who filled the vacancy. They kept their homes, grew crops and fed the soldiers. Although many women’s rights have been found because people have broken prejudice from the past to the present. But I think it is difficult to say that our world is still equal. I think the difficult but sure way is to get rid of prejudice and listen to the voices of more people.
Video discussion #3
With Lina, Rosa, and Hamon
Video discussion #2
With. Hamon, Lina, and Rosa
Social Reflection #5
Reflection #5
Ways to make change.
We live in being satisfied with everything and can not live. But if it goes socially, people want to change what they are not satisfied to be satisfied. And we learned about the big frame of lobbies, petitions, and civil disobedience that can “way to change” in the social class. Actually, to me, Lobbies is the confused one, But I understood it as the concept of power. A petition is used to call attention to the issue of public interest or concern and to require that effect. When petitioning is needed, it is necessary not to be an individual’s opinion, so it is done in the form of a signing exercise, collecting opinions of citizens and submitting them to the government. Therefore, I think the petition is the closest way to communicate with citizens. And Civil disobedience. It refers to the act of publicly rejecting the law of the country or the order of the government or ruling power when it is judged unfair. It usually nonviolence but not always. I learned by teaching that these “ways to change” are not only used to change big things. If we are not satisfied with the school, we can do enough petition or civil disobedience. I think the lobbies I understand are not good enough. I think these various “ways to change” methods are all communication in a big sense. I hope that people will be able to reflect on their opinions and take better account of better laws and better worlds.
Election systems
I thought the election was one of the fairways to pick something. However, when Mr. Chan took the example of voting in the class, my thoughts changed a bit. Three students went out of the class and we just vote for a person that we wanted. We changed the rules of the vote every time and according to the rules of vote changed the results also changed. I think the reason we vote is to choose fair. But I think that only voting rules should not be fair. If we have to pick one of them and one of them has a lot of money and can advertise more, it is not fair. Therefore, in order to be fair, the choice should also be fair. I heard that BC is currently using a voting system called First Past the Post (FPTP). FPTP Voting is a way for voters to display their choice on the ballot. That way, the person with the most votes will win. In addition, there are various election methods such as Dual Member Proportional (DMP), Mixed Member Proportional (MMP) and Rural-Urban Proportional (RUP). I believe that the voting methods we have now are ways to help fair choices that have evolved over time.
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