Social Reflection #7
Reflection #7
I saw some video that about Indian’s story. The Indian residential school part was feeling excessive distress. The Residential School was a school that was established in Canada in the past to teach aboriginal students. But it was forced. Parents who did not send their kids to residential school were punished, and they were detained in a dormitory because the government thought it would be difficult for them to learn with their parents. The Indian residential school was established in an attempt to educate, convert and integrate the Indians into Canadian society, but the Indians were forced to speak a new language, religion, and culture. Even many students were caught up in violence, abuse and even sexual assault, which led to many unfortunate events. Although all the Indian residential schools are closed now, there will still be heartache for those who experienced the situation at the time. In many past events, as well as Indian residential schools, Indians were subjected to severe discrimination. I think they are obviously an indelible scar on Indian. As we have said that the reason we learn history is not to repeat the same mistakes. So, I think we should learn more and not forget more to prevent the pain of these Indians from repeating. Also, many incidents have hurt Indians deeply, but I think that if the government makes a genuine apology, it can heal some of their wounds.
My home country, Korea is not generous with LGBTQ, and I think it is because we learned it too late. Today, I got a discussion with some students and Mr. Chan. I could hear a lot of opinion in that discussion. I think we should learn about LGBTQ when we are a teenager, but when we better get used to the word gay of kind of that when we are an elementary school. Elementary age is too young to understand all the things that LGBTQ included. But If we learn about LGBTQ without basic knowledge, It can give us an adverse effect. Before we learn about LGBTQ more deeply when we are the teenagers, we must understand that a lot of people are now living, and they are all different. As our physical appearance is all different out gender and gender identity could be different and it’s not a weird thing. While I was researched about LGBTQ, I saw a short film. That short film was a film that has changed the view that homosexuals are popular, and heterosexuals are included in the sexual minority. After I watched it a sudden thought struck me. What is normal? And what is abnormal? I felt that there were no summit and abnormalities in the world. There is the only difference. I think the reason why there are many people who are opposed to SOGI now is that they are not familiar with it. We have been the focus of heterosexuals since the past. That’s why many people still don’t think they’re used to being a sexual minority. However, as we have a slightly different opinion in our debate, I think that LGBTQ is also slightly different in mind. Although it will take a long time, I hope there will be a world where everyone can proudly tell who I am and everyone can accept it naturally.