Art stamp

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the process of making the stamp was pretty fun I’m not going to lie, I like how it was satisfying how scraping the linel (I think that’s how you say it) felt. also, the process was time-consuming and I messed up in some parts, but I worked around it and made it work. but this did make my proportions seem a little off, line the N, it looks shorter on one side. That was because I accidentally scraped too far and lost a bit of control over what I was trying to scrape. The good news is that I did not get hurt because I used a board that would keep my hands safe if I used it properly

altered art books-Shyaan

the altered book that I talked about was based on self-growth and understanding that within the darkness, there is always light and to trust the process through tough times. I feel like this is an important topic to talk about because many people try to solve other people’s problems out of kindness, but never pay attention or “have the time” to enjoy time with themselves. Also, I feel like this is important to talk about because not many people talk about finding themselves and loving themselves before they love others.

The process of finding photos was pretty easy, but finding words to complete the sentence that made sense was a tough challenge because there were lots of cool keywords like ‘unruly beast’ or ‘darkness’ but it was tougher to find words to tie the keywords together to make sense. The three artbook techniques I used are flaps, hidden content, and cut-outs. and the three art-making techniques I used were paper silhouettes, paper cutouts, and black-out poetry. the three art development strategies I used are minification, multiplication, and distortion.



surreal collage


for this collage i have used juxtaposition, and metamorphosis. I have used juxtaposition by making the background black and white, and the main piece, the people standing, very bright and as the ‘standing out’ piece. I have used metamorphosis by making the people look like they are talking/singing into the microphone.

one-pager assignment

Blue and Green Illustrated Environmental Protection Poster by shyaan manki

The project I worked on is a one-pager poster about empathy and how to feel empathetic, and how many people have been becoming less empathetic throughout the years. This project has really made me more socially aware of how divided and unbiased our community has become and how our community and us as individuals can be empathetic and more socially connective without using our phones.

woodworks 10 core competencies

  • Tell me about one of your learning goals. (Prompt: Something you want to get better at or learn how to do.) How did you come to that goal? Tell me about something you are doing to help you work on that goal?

-one of the goals I have is to learn is how to learn how to get better at using the machines, I was a little bit scared to use some of the machines so I am going to ask for help if I need to when I use the machines, and i will have someone supervise me if I need to.

  • What do you do to help yourself when you are feeling a bit discouraged about your work?

I ask some friends if they can help me, if they cant, i try to search up if there is a solution to my problem, then I ask the teacher for help

  • Think of times when you have to wait. What strategies do you use when you are feeling impatient? How did you develop that strategy?  When did you start? How does it work?

I have this rule of patience, and its no never get angry unless its absolutely necessary, but some things I do when I am waiting for something is to distract myself, or talk to a friend

here is the image of my passion project which is a shoe shelf:


social responsibility self assessment

  • do you contribute to the community and care about the environment?

Yes I sometimes donate to community services and I am also very organized with the garbage and helping the environment, i do this my organizing the garbage i have (ex: recycling, greens, etc.), and saving electricity, etc.

  • do you solve problems in a peaceful way?

Yes I like to solve problems in a peaceful way because I don’t support violence and I want everyone’s opinion to be heard in a conversation. Some ways I often like to solve problems is get others opinion on the choices we make.

  • do you value diversity?

Yes I value diversity a lot! I think that it is important to value other peoples background and opinions in topics, the reason why I value diversity is because it is important to value others opinion because it is interesting to look at opinions from different perspective.

  • can you build relationships?

yes I can build relationships, and I enjoy to make relationships because I like connecting with people that have similarities and differences, the reason why I like making relationships is because we can help each other with our strengths and weaknesses

Foods Studies Report

A lot of the foods used in fettuccine alfredo are mostly packaged in paper boxes, most of the products are wrapped in paper because most of the foods are non-perishable or dry foods, such as the pasta, which is good because it is recyclable. In the mornings I like to eat brown shell eggs and toast. Eggs mostly come in Styrofoam, which is not good for the environment, but sometimes it comes in a cardboard box, however the toast comes in plastic wrapped which isn’t good for the environment. In the late Afternoon I like to have a snack, like an apple or an orange, I enjoy these healthy snacks because they have good vitamins and minerals, but I also like them because they are good for the environment and they are compostable. Sometimes I also like to have some sautéed vegetables these are not super healthy because when the vegetables are being boiled, the vitamins and minerals have left the food, but other than that the vegetables are good because they are good for the environment if you do not want to eat the vegetables. On valentine’s day I will be making a chocolate chipped pancake for my parents, some of the main ingredients are Pancake mix, eggs, and chocolate chips for flavoring (but its optional), most of the ingredients come in cardboard which is good for the environment and plastic which is not good for the environment. Overall, a chocolate chip pancake is not very healthy, mainly because of the amount of sugar in the chocolate chips, but even without the chocolate chips, they are still not very healthy. Later that day me and my family made crepes with sautéed mushrooms, green peppers etc. most of the foods used in the crepes were healthy because it was a vegetarian crepe, but there are some foods that were not very healthy, like sautéed mushrooms, and hot sauce because the mushrooms have were sautéed and all the vitamins and minerals have left the mushrooms and hot sauce has artificial sweeteners and artificial flavors. 

A Fresh New Look At The Periodic Table

here is the link to my and solomon’s periodic table.


     1.  How can we improve and modify the current periodic table? 

         Can we colour code the periodic table? 

          How can we make it visually pleasing? 

  1. The periodic table tells us the atomic mass and the atomic number in each order from left to right. It also organizes the periodic table into its families for example: alkali metals, earth alkali metals, etc.

3.Placing the families into rows and placing them on top of each other (vertically). We will be using a hexagon pattern instead of using a square patternOur plan is to colour code the families and to also change the shape into hexagons instead of squares to increase attraction 

  1. we chose to do our periodic table is a hexagon pattern because we wanted to make it as visually pleasing as possible, we wanted to make the periodic table vertically because it looked very organized and we also colour coded it to make it more organized since it looks differentthen the normal periodic table. 
  2. We had some miscommunication during the making of the periodic table, I thought that we were making a hexagon pattern periodic table that is in normal order. We were actually doing the periodic table in vertical order.


SMART goals reflection

  1. What was your goal? Recycle objects that I did not know could be recycled.
  2. Did you achieve it? How or how not? I achieved it by remembering what objects could be recycled. Also I will try to motivate my family to recycle more often then throwing it in the garbage. Also I wish to continue this goal.
  3. What was the most challenging part of achieving your goal? Something that was challenging was remembering what stuff can be recycled and what stuff cannot be recycled, for example, once I almost forgot that I can recycle plastic and I almost threw it in the garbage.
  4. What would you do differently next time? Write on my hand the list of stuff that can be recycled or keep a list on my phone.
  5. Will you continue with this type of goal? If you do, explain what you will do. If not, explain why you are satisfied with where you are at. I will continue this goal and I will motivate my family to try this goal, I feel satisfied with what I did because I felt good when I recycled because I know that it will help my future and other people’s future.