Foods Studies Report

A lot of the foods used in fettuccine alfredo are mostly packaged in paper boxes, most of the products are wrapped in paper because most of the foods are non-perishable or dry foods, such as the pasta, which is good because it is recyclable. In the mornings I like to eat brown shell eggs and toast. Eggs mostly come in Styrofoam, which is not good for the environment, but sometimes it comes in a cardboard box, however the toast comes in plastic wrapped which isn’t good for the environment. In the late Afternoon I like to have a snack, like an apple or an orange, I enjoy these healthy snacks because they have good vitamins and minerals, but I also like them because they are good for the environment and they are compostable. Sometimes I also like to have some sautéed vegetables these are not super healthy because when the vegetables are being boiled, the vitamins and minerals have left the food, but other than that the vegetables are good because they are good for the environment if you do not want to eat the vegetables. On valentine’s day I will be making a chocolate chipped pancake for my parents, some of the main ingredients are Pancake mix, eggs, and chocolate chips for flavoring (but its optional), most of the ingredients come in cardboard which is good for the environment and plastic which is not good for the environment. Overall, a chocolate chip pancake is not very healthy, mainly because of the amount of sugar in the chocolate chips, but even without the chocolate chips, they are still not very healthy. Later that day me and my family made crepes with sautéed mushrooms, green peppers etc. most of the foods used in the crepes were healthy because it was a vegetarian crepe, but there are some foods that were not very healthy, like sautéed mushrooms, and hot sauce because the mushrooms have were sautéed and all the vitamins and minerals have left the mushrooms and hot sauce has artificial sweeteners and artificial flavors. 

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