Tidal Turbine

A tidal turbine helps the environment to produce electricity environmentally safe, a tidal turbine is a modified version of a wind turbine because water creates more force and is 832 times denser than air. Tidal power is a form of hydropower that creates energy. like a wind turbine. Tidal turbines are very effective and useful, but they are not used for normal citizens, since it is still in experiment, but they are very effective and useful. The pros of a tidal turbine is that they are easy to install, renewable and do not use any greenhouse gases, a few other reasons why tidal turbines are good to the environment is because they have a low environmental impact, and tidal turbines are placed close to shore to reduce the impact of harming marine life. Also, if people put the tidal turbines near the shore then the current will be stronger because there are two low tides and two high tides in one day. A tidal turbine is also easy to fix and inexpensive, so if a part breaks off or malfunctions, then it would be easily replaced and that parts would not be expensive. 

Some vital parts of a tidal turbine are the generator, the generator is what converts the mechanical energy into current using the turbine, the turbine is a vital part to the tidal turbine because the turbine produces mechanical energy by rotating like the blades on the end of a boat.  

Some problems that are in the way are that tidal turbines produce an uneven amount of energy that is required to the daily use of electricity. Another problem that might be in the way is that marine life might get harmed, even though the tidal turbines are close to shore they still can be harmful to ducks, crabs etc. Not only will the animals get in the way, but the rocks can also make the tidal turbine malfunction, for example, the tidal turbine spins a little faster than usual, the rocks start to get in the current of the water, then the rock makes a huge dent in the generator and the rock gets stuck in between the turbine and the main shaft. 

Sources: https://www.studentenergy.org/topics/tidal-power

Last updated: 9/12/19

Made by: Annick Kabeya

About: Student energy is a charity website that is planning to build “the next generation for energy leaders who will accelerate the world’s transition into a sustainable energy future.” 


Last updated: February 2017

Made by: Michael Whiticar

about: Energy BC is a comprehensive and objective resource on energy sources, uses and issues in British Columbia. The project has been developed by Dr. Michael Whiticar at the University of Victoria.

power cable



turbine blades

front view of tidal turbine



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