water quality research

My group and I have been doing research on the Oxbow pond and the Coquitlam river about the water quality and if it is safe to drink. first off i believe that the water at Oxbow pond is unsafe to drink because the water smells like sewage water, also the water turbidity was brown and still. another reason why the Oxbow pond water may not be safe to drink is because there are very small creatures like little leeches, little fish and other tiny creatures. On the other hand, the Coquitlam river may be safer to drink because it does not have a smell, also most of the water looked clean and clear, although near the other end of the creek the rocks in the water looked rusted. there weren’t any creatures in the moving water but near the other side of land there was some water-striders in a big pond where the creek water was lightly flowing and habitable.

personally I believe that me and my group worked hard enough but when we went into the water to assess how clean the Coquitlam river and Oxbow pond was we had a bit of a communication problem, when we were at the Coquitlam river when we were taking the test strips I might have miscommunicated because when I was using the test strips i told Caleb that the test strip was saying that it was around 10 for turbidity, but there was no such thing as “10” on the test strip evaluation, I think that i meant to say 6.5 because most people got around that mark. Next time i will try to explain my answers more clear if we have another one of these types of experiments.

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