How can we use plastic waste for 3D printing?

Hi my name is Shyaan and my science research question is if we can use plastic for 3D printing. So, you may be thinking “how can you make recycled plastic waste into a 3D filament?” well my hypothesis is that if we can melt plastic enough to shape it but not melt the plastic too much because if we burn plastic the plastic releases gas and toxins that damages our body by stressing the immune system, for example shortness of breath and dizziness, if you are exposed to the plastic fumes for too long you may have cancer. Another risk of melting plastic is the pollution, if we burn plastic there is a high chance it will damage the environment and the ozone system. Another possible way to shape plastic is to use thin single-use plastic such as plastic bottles and plastic straws and cut them into small chunks then heat the plastic with a hot air gun then shape the plastic into a 3D printer filament with a mould, in conclusion I think that using recycled (single used) plastic for 3D printing will be revolutionary because it will be used for a better and more useful cause.



2A) Siting my scources

how to see if a website is real

3A) if a website says .ca, .com, or .edu is one way of seeing if if a website is real. Another way of seeing if a website is fake is if the website has poor grammar and spelling mistakes

4A)if the website is a regularly updated website, for example, you find a website about bugs but you are a bit skeptical because this website was uploaded in 1995 but you also find a website about the most recent found bugs that is recently updated you would problably find the newest website more helpful.

5A) I think that I did pretty good for not copying any websites but I could not find a video related to turning plastic waste into 3D printing filament.

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