The Covid-19 Could Put an End to Handshakes


Shaking hands is standard in almost all areas of human endeavor in western culture, including business, sports, politics, and religion. We shake hands to say hello, goodbye and congratulations, to demonstrate respect, loyalty, trust, co-operation, and to signal our confidence and character to strangers, acquaintances, friends and even foes. We are a social species that require touch and connection to maintain physical and emotional health. i believe It’s impossible to believe people won’t touch each other any longer. The handshake has been around so long, it’s hard to imagine it disappearing. Some will no longer do it, but for many it’s instinctual.

They might become a stronger demonstration of trust. We may be more selective about who we shake hands with or the occasion on which we shake hands.

Are black holes ‘doorway’ to the other parts of the universe?

Are black holes “doorway” to the other parts of the universe?

what is black hole? and what’s inside of the black hole?


Question 1: What is a black hole?

(Astronomy) A region of space having a gravitational field so intense that no matter or radiation can escape.

(Informal) a place where things or people disappear without a trace in space.

There is 2 types of black holes

  1. Steller (medium sized and most common) with a mass 20 times greater than the sun and can fit inside a ball with the diameter of 10 miles
  2. Supermassive black hole There is only one supermassive black hole and it is at the centre of our galaxy. these black holes don’t move at all. this black hole could fit 4,00,000 suns in it. (Source 1)

Question 2. what’s inside of the black hole?

you will be stuck for ever in the black hole. No one actually knows if there is an end to  black hole. When sucked into a black hole you would start to become a spaghetti noodle. When getting sucked in you would see absolute black and no light. When you fall in a black hole others would see time stop and see you stuck while you still feel time going by. most believe you exit the universe. (Source 2)

These two pictures are showing that how the  black hole look like and how big is it and so many stars are the across of that there is nothing to be going close to that. I mean if we send satellite inside and he black hole we gonna lose signals of that.


Question 3. Are black holes “doorway” to the other parts of the universe?

No, people may believe that things like wormholes exist. but those people probably think the earth is flat. scientists say that the amount of energy needed to make a wormhole would be impossible and you can only think of that on paper or TV. not real life.

(Source 3)

In this video it shows that nobody knows goes to inside of black hole. The scientists people only experienced the signal and satellite and they lose it after in the black hole.

Source 3:

Source 2:

Source 1:




Made By: Shir khan Yousofi




Rube Goldberg (Chain)


5 Types of Energy

Gravitation: The ball falling into a cup

Sound: The another ball falling from cup

Elastic: The ball push the two other ball

Electrical:  The ball hate the car to moves in

Mechanical: The car moving in

STEPS & Energy Transformations

I created a Rube Goldberg chain reaction containing 6 steps. 

A. when the ball going into the cup

B. When the another ball  goes into another cup and fall down from it

C. (Machine 2) when the ball push the two other ball

D. one of the ball fall down into cup.

E. (Machine 3) when the ball push the car.

F. when the car moves in.






February Lab Reflection – Food 12

Biscuits and Gravy

I chose to reflect on this “Biscuits and Gravy” lab because it is one of  my favorite food. I really enjoy this lab, I enjoy a lot to making this biscuits and had fun making the gravy as well. Everything tasted so good. The product turned out the way we thought it would, although I do wish the biscuits were a little softer. I think our group worked well together because everything takes delicious and we got everything done pretty quickly. If I were to this lab again something I would do differently is try to make the biscuits a little softer and maybe the gravy a little more liquids.


Food 12 Waste Food

Food waste

when food is wasted, both food and money are lost. Also, energy, water and other resources that have been used to produce the food are wasted. Globally, one third of the food produced for human consumption is wasted Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. Canadians contribute to this waste, in fact it’s estimated that the amount of food wasted in Canada is $31 billion annually.

Everyone has a part to play in reducing food loss and waste. Food is wasted in many ways:

Fresh produce that deviates from what is considered optimal in terms of shape, size and color, for example is often removed from the supply chain during sorting operations.

Foods that are close to, at or beyond the “best-before” date are often discarded by retailers and consumers. Large quantities of wholesome edible food are often unused or left over and discarded from household kitchens and eating establishments.

During my lunch period in school I have seen couple students that they are wasting food. I realized that the same scenario was and is still being played out on a global scale where food does not reach the people who need it the most.

  • Determine the project scope.
  • Contact interviews with staff to gather answers to specific questions,
  • develop bench marking for several areas in your organization,
  • prepare summary and detailed reports of your findings and include speed areas for initial improvement, reasons, and possible solutions.

By cutting down on waste, you are helping to protect trees, water, places where animals live, and even the air we all need to breathe. There are some couple ways to reduce waste foods and save environment that are:

Recycle, Pack a litter less lunch, Turn off the lights when you leave a room, Reuse paper and save trees, turn off the water tap, walk or bike to school, compost and tell you family, friends and other people what you are doing.

Decreasing the amount of food waste and packaging could reduce waste disposal costs and protect the environment. The Ministry produced tool-kits to assist retail, such as supermarkets and convenience stores, and food service providers, such as restaurants and drinking establishments, to help operators prevent food waste. This page also provides options for Food Donations.

Food 12 – Safety First A Visual Guide


  • To avoid fire hazards, keep flammable things away from stove’s element.
  • Do not pour water to extinguish grease fire. Put metal lid on the burning fan or put baking powder on it.
  • When fire alarm beeps, calm down and follow the teacher’s order.

2. Burns/Scalds: 

  1. immediately get the person away from the heat source to stop the burning.

ii. Cool the burn with cool or lukewarm running water for 20 minutes – don’t use ice, iced water, or any creams or greasy substances such as butter.


3. Chemicals

  1. Do not mix different chemicals
  2. Use personal protection equipment (e.g. gloves, face mask) where necessary.



Slips/Trips/Falls (how to prevent)

  1. Clean up spills immediately.
  2.  Keeps walkways and hallways free of debris, clutter and obstacles.

Cuts (how to prevent/treat)

  1. Keep your knives sharp… Slice away from your hand and keep your fingers clear of the blade.
  2. To treat a cut, wash your hands with soap or antibacterial cleanser to prevent infection… Use direct pressure to stop the bleeding.

Heavy Lifting (ex: bag of flour, box)

  1. Wide Base of Support. Square up to the load with feet placed shoulder-width apart, one foot slightly ahead of the other.
  2. Never use your back, Always lift with your knee.

How to Prevent Food Poisoning

  1. Use separate cutting boards.
  2.  Keep raw meet separate.

Waste Management

  1. Compost food scraps.
  2. Recycle.

Personal Hygiene

  1. Wash hands before cooking and between handling raw and ready to eat foods.
  2. Tie hair back.