Food 12 – Safety First A Visual Guide


  • To avoid fire hazards, keep flammable things away from stove’s element.
  • Do not pour water to extinguish grease fire. Put metal lid on the burning fan or put baking powder on it.
  • When fire alarm beeps, calm down and follow the teacher’s order.

2. Burns/Scalds: 

  1. immediately get the person away from the heat source to stop the burning.

ii. Cool the burn with cool or lukewarm running water for 20 minutes – don’t use ice, iced water, or any creams or greasy substances such as butter.


3. Chemicals

  1. Do not mix different chemicals
  2. Use personal protection equipment (e.g. gloves, face mask) where necessary.



Slips/Trips/Falls (how to prevent)

  1. Clean up spills immediately.
  2.  Keeps walkways and hallways free of debris, clutter and obstacles.

Cuts (how to prevent/treat)

  1. Keep your knives sharp… Slice away from your hand and keep your fingers clear of the blade.
  2. To treat a cut, wash your hands with soap or antibacterial cleanser to prevent infection… Use direct pressure to stop the bleeding.

Heavy Lifting (ex: bag of flour, box)

  1. Wide Base of Support. Square up to the load with feet placed shoulder-width apart, one foot slightly ahead of the other.
  2. Never use your back, Always lift with your knee.

How to Prevent Food Poisoning

  1. Use separate cutting boards.
  2.  Keep raw meet separate.

Waste Management

  1. Compost food scraps.
  2. Recycle.

Personal Hygiene

  1. Wash hands before cooking and between handling raw and ready to eat foods.
  2. Tie hair back.


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