Week 8 – Precalculus 11

In this week we learned how to graph trinomials.

if the graph is Y=X^2
notice how this graph has its axis at (0,0) and how it is going up 1,3,5

if the graph is Y=X^2 +2
The + 2 makes the parabola just go up to spaces so the axis is now (0,2) and still has the same pattern 1,3,5

if the graph is y= (x-2)^2
the -2 means to go to the right 2 so its the opposite of the symbol to which side you go so if it was +2 you would have gone 2 to the left

if the graph is y=2x^2
the 2 in front of the x makes it stretched out upwards because before there is an imaginary 1 in front of the x and now its 2 so it goes from 1,3,5 to 2,6,10 which makes the graph look skinner

Function       Direction of open   vert     Axis of sym   congruent to y=x² ?

i.)y=x²                    up                              (0,0)         x=0                         yes

ii.)y=(x-7)²            up                              (0,7)          x=0                         yes

iii.)y=-7x²             Down                        (0,0)          x=0                          No

i.)Because x is a positive thats why the direction goes up in the graph and the vertex is x=0, y=0.

ii.)Because x is positive the direction goes up and congruent will be yes.

iii.)Because x is negative so direction goes down and the congruent will be No.

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