Indigenous Exploration – Health


This project was an interesting and enlightening experience. While researching, I encountered many facts and statistics that were both interesting and disheartening. I think that while it was sad to see all these problems, it was also necessary. In my opinion, learning and understanding is one of the best ways to combat the continuation of injustice.

Because there is so much information on the topic of indigenous health, we had a lot of source material to work with. We all did individual research, compiling a list of facts and information points. We then turned the list into a colour coded script, trying to give everyone equal speaking time. The difficulty was making a script that conformed to the rules. We had a hard time getting the discussion long enough.

While making this project, we ran into an obstacle. It was that when our recording day came around, one of our group members couldn’t come to school due to circumstances outside their control. This led to us having to record on the same day the reflection was supposed to be written. That also meant that we didn’t have the microphones or recording spaces at the start. Eventually we managed to get what we needed, but it still took up a lot of our recording time. Apart from that I didn’t struggle too much on the technology side of things. I already knew how to use audacity, so it made recording easy.

Communication has always been interesting for me; at times I struggle with it and at times I excel at it. I think that one of the reasons I struggle is because I’ve always found conversations with people I don’t know slightly unpleasant. For some reason, my aversion to conversation is only really highlighted when speaking to people of my general age group. This means that when communicating what I’ve learned to a teacher, I’m able to convey the information needed. It also means that when I work in a group of students I’ve never met, it tends to get more difficult. Despite my difficulty communicating out loud, my written communication skills are where I excel. This is helpful since a lot of the work we do in school is in a written format. Finally, I also do well when communicating my learning through creative measures. I always enjoy when I have the opportunity to create something. Whether it’s a drawing, a video game or something else, I always find myself investing more effort into the project or assignment.