Grammar Video Project – “Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences”

For my grammar project I had to explain compound and complex sentences. A compound sentence is “a sentence with more than one subject or predicate.” This means that a compound sentence usually has two independent clauses. An independent clause is a series of words forming a thought or idea that has at least one subject and predicate. The subject is the topic of the sentence, and the predicate is what the subject is doing. For example, “The dog (subject) walked(predicate.)” An example of a compound sentence is like my previous example, only it has two clauses linked with a “FANBOYS” conjunction. For example, “the dog walked, and it barked.” A complex sentence is like a compound sentence, but instead of multiple independent clauses, it has a dependent clause with an independent one attached. This means the dependent clause can only make sense with the addition of an independent one. An example of this is, “When the dog walked, it started to bark.” Note how if you were given the first half of the sentence “When the dog walked”, it would feel unfinished, the sentence only makes sense when you add the last clause “When the dog walked, it started to bark.” 

Test questions: 

1) What is an independent clause? 

  1. a) a clause that can stand on its own 
  2. b) a clause that requires another clause to make sense
  3. c)a clause that can be the only one in a sentence 
  4. d) a clause that can only be used once in a paragraph


2) What is a dependent clause? 

  1. a) a clause that can stand on its own
  2. b) a clause that requires another clause to make sense
  3. c) a clause that can be the only one in a sentence
  4. d) a clause that can only be used once in a paragraph


3) What is a compound sentence? 

  1. a) a sentence containing a single independent clause
  2. b) a sentence with no clauses 
  3. c) a sentence with a dependent clause and an independent clause
  4. d) a sentence with multiple independent clauses 


4) what is a complex sentence? 

  1. a) a sentence containing a single independent clause
  2. b) a sentence with no clauses
  3. c) a sentence with a dependent clause and an independent clause
  4. d) a sentence with multiple independent clauses 

 answer key:



