Mountain Journey

1    Dave was travelling to a market to sell furs. 

2    When he continued after falling in the river, I got the feeling he was going to die.  

3    First off, he could have just waited to travel. Second, he could have made camp earlier and just continued in the morning. Lastly, he should have started the fire when he fell in the river. 

4    The first one to two pages are used for the exposition while the complicating incident is when he falls in the river. The first crisis is when he gets water in his boots, the second is when he can’t move his fingers, the third is when he fails to start a fire. The climax is when he thinks he can make it the rest of the way but has to rest and can’t get up. The denouement is when he denies the fact that he’s dying but fades out anyway. 

5    The setting is in a cold forest in the middle of winter. The plot surrounds the setting. If there’s no snow or ice, the story doesn’t happen. The theme is overambition and the consequences of it. 

6    Dave’s end destination could be seen as symbolic of an unattainable goal. The cabin is impossible to reach yet he keeps trying. 

7    “They (his hands) were cold and white and unresponsive as a dead man’s.” “He was beginning to feel like a ghost on an abandoned planet” “(the wind) set the forest moaning beside him” “The cold was nibbling at him” 



1    Forever 

2    Inability to move 

3    Opposite of translucent 

4    A long, deep sound that seems to vibrate 

5    Built up speed 

6    Looks like a cadaver (corpse) 

7    Gathered into a group 

8    Rise, flood 

9    Usually means impoverished, in this case dim and or obscured 

10    Usually steal, in this case took with urgency