
noun: cancer
1 the disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body.”he’s got cancer”
▪ a malignant growth or tumour resulting from the division of abnormal cells.plural noun: cancers
”most skin cancers are curable”
▪ synonyms:
▪ malignant growth, cancerous growth, tumor, malignancy, sarcoma, melanoma, lymphoma, myeloma 
”most skin cancers are curable if detected early”
Now, this is the scientific definition of Cancer, but this isn’t really what cancer is… In my mind cancer isn’t a deadly disease, or something that you should be afraid of. They do say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, so give it hope. Cancer can be scary at times but from my past experiences, it brought my family closer together. My grandpa had cancer 3 or 4 different times and eventually died of 2 strokes at the age 88. My grandma (87) just had a cancerous tumour removed 2 months ago. My Abuela and Abuelo both suffered from cancer, and died. My mom and dad have both had cancer, and survived. I found that after all of these hurdles my family has come across, it isn’t that horrifying. I mean, yeah, its a bit nerve racking waiting for test result, after test result. But as long and you let your family know that you love them, pray for them, and help give them hope, they will try to fight through it, not only for them but for you too. Although cancer can be an uncontrolabel disease, it can also be a preventable one. My family has slowly started to cut out red meat, drink less alcohol, and eat more fruits and veggies. We continue to be physically active and go in for regular check ups. I know that sometimes you can’t avoid things like cancer, but with my family history, I would like to do anything and everything I can to prevent it.

One thought on “Cancer

  1. Thanks so much for sharing, Shannon. Families being brought closer together is not typically portrayed in the media and day-to-day conversations. Sorry for loss that you and your family have suffered, and I wish all of you a healthy future.

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