
The theme of our story is the struggles and the relationships you make in your school life. Everyone can relate to our film; losing friends due to a toxic relationship, crushes that don’t work out and the awkwardness of being at school in general. We chose to put in some montages to show how their lives were, and their feelings that you couldn’t see in the normal scenes, as we wanted the viewers to get the real sense of Zoe’s personal life. We did some still shots and some shots that follow solely for variety. While working on this project and during the process of filming, I learned that I am definitely more of a leader than a follower. I always try to be some of both, because I want to give others the chance, but I realized that I like leading and being in charge more than following other peoples orders. Obviously, I don’t ignore other peoples opinions or suggestions, I go along with whatever, but I’d rather be in charge and get suggestions from others then in the back where no one will take my suggestions into consideration.