My Riverside Rapid Digital Portfolio

Month September 2017

Week 4 in Math 10

This week I learned about fraction exponents. With fraction exponents, you have to remember FLOWER POWER (the root is on the bottom) because when converting fraction exponents into radicals, or the other way around, you have to know what number… Continue Reading →

Week 3 in Math 10

This week I learned that when solving a problem combing the exponent laws, you can use the laws in any order you want and it will be the same answer. For example: I also learned why the exponent laws work…. Continue Reading →

Math 10 – Week 2

One thing I learned in the second week of math 10 is how to simplify entire radicals. First you need to find the radical you would like to simplify, lets use . Next you need to find the prime factorization… Continue Reading →

Math 10 – Day 1 Activity

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