
Core Competency

  • Receive others ideas respectfully, no put downs: Refining
  • Try to restate views that oppose your own: Refining
  • Use neutral language in disagreeing: Refining
  • Offer your different viewpoints; don’t be steamrolled: Refining
  • Welcome & seek insight in divergent viewpoints: Refining


I think this project really helped me to improve my listening and compromising skills. At the beginning we all had a slightly different idea in our heads on how we wanted our innovation to work and look, we all had to contribute our ideas, listen and ask questions about others, and create a final idea that includes all of our ideas somehow that we’re all satisfied with it. I had to learn how to open my mind more so that i could stop focusing on only my idea and how i wanted it to learn and co operate others ideas and opinions into my own; I think I did really well in that aspect of this project.

Collaboration Reflection


We created a circuit, and a power point presentation that explained exactly how we wanted our device to look and work. Afterwards we took the feedback from the Dragons and discussed how the Bluetooth button would also be really good used as a heart tracker; when the heart beat raises or lowers rapidly the PHCC will also be activated.


I think our entire group was really good at collaborating ideas and opinions. We all shared our strengths and decided how they would be most useful for this project, and so that we would all have an equal part.

Experience Debrief

I really liked how this project wasn’t just a project selected for you and you had criteria on exactly what you, and the rest of the class, had to do. It was more personal because you, and your friends, got to choose what interested you and how you would like to help the world with your innovation. It was also really fun and cool how we got to present our project in the style of Dragon’s Den, it was new, fun way to present a project and get feedback almost immediately.

In our group we all had a specific part that we talked about an researched, everyone knew a little bit about everything but not enough. If I were to change something, it would be so that everyone in our group talked and researched a little of everything, so then everyone would get the same learning experience.

During this process I learned how to better collaborate, share and listen. I also learned a lot about how the Roomba and the Siri actually works, in the technical way, which was really interesting. Finally, I got better at presenting information in the way that others can understand, which will be very helpful in the futur so other presentations and classes.