Name of Host: Kathy

Relationship to me: Mom’s friend


What is your job title: Receptionist

What is your job description: Tending to guests, collecting money, overall shop maintenance

What are the duties/ tasks you perform at your job: Answering phones, getting drinks for the clients, sweeping, laundry, stocking inventory

What qualifications do you have for this job:

  • Training: Costumer Service, Management, on the job training, client complaints and delegating duties
  • Education: Computer and salon software programs
  • Experience: Phone, computer and costumer service
  • Personal qualities: People skills, patience, friendly, approachable, confident in speech

Some things you like about your job: Building relationships, making people feel good, learning about salons and spas

Some things you dislike about your job: Rude clients, when staff are insubordinate

How do you anticipate this job changing in the next 5 years or so: Tasks and clients increasing

Student reflections:

Give 3 reasons why you would like this job:

  • Helping make people content
  • Organizing shifts and appointments
  • Having good relationships with the staff

Give 3 reasons why you would not like this job:

  • Doesn’t pay very well
  • Doing computer and phone work all day
  • I don’t like cleaning up after other people

Is this job for you:

No, I don’t think I would like this job very much because I would much prefer to be walking around and doing things, instead of sitting all day on a computer.

Explain the value of the TOKTW experience in relation to your ideas about your post secondary plans:

It gives me an idea of what I would and wouldn’t like to do in the future, good things to look for in a job (like is the staff good, are the hours good, etc..) and how much education is needed for a fairly simple job.
