Describe what you personally want to achieve in this PHE course?  Describe how your current effort is or is not inline with your personal achievement? 

What I want to achieve in this course is to socialize with people more and try to show my effort in the whole game. How I can describe my effort for this class is how I really enjoy playing badminton because that is my favorite sport to play while I am very good at it. There are some sports that I am not familiar with and not very good at it, but it gets easier after playing it a couple of times. This can also help me improve my knowledge and participation in different sports.  


Describe two strengths you have in this PHE class? 

  1. Strong
  2. Power

Describe a “stretch” you can work towards, things you can improve on in this PHE class? 

  1. Things I can improve on are working on my effort playing minor games and communicate more with people 

Describe 3 goals you are going to work towards and implement into this PHE class? 

1. Try to drink more water before class   


2. Put my best effort in everything  


3. Communicate more around people in class