2 of your best photos from each major projects:

1. Tell us about the picture: This picture is a mountain that keep your mind peace and calm and not let anybody change about yourself.

2. What was the assignment? Time Magazine Double Exposure

3. What did you learn? When I was doing this project, I have learned how to do double exposure in photoshop for the first time and it went well for me. This may be my favorite project of all.

4. What was challenging? How did the assignment stretch you? Some challenges for this project were blending the colors for the background of the sky and moving the mountain in the right spot to make it look creative.

5. What do you like about the image? What I like about this photo is how the picture matches well with the person.

6. What could be improved? Move the “Time’ higher in the magazine.

1. Tell us about the picture: This picture shows an ornament hanged on a chrismas tree. I made the ornament with colors except the tree.

2. What was the assignment? Inquiry Project

3. What did you learn?  For the first time, I decided to do color splash in this project because I wanted to learn how to do it in photoshop and this was my favorite photo I’ve done.

4. What was challenging? How did the assignment stretch you? There were no challenges while making this photo, but I made sure I did not mark the trees with color.

5. What do you like about the image? What I like about this picture is how the ornaments shows bright shiny colors.

6. What could be improved? One thing I should have improved for this photo is moving the camera closer to the ornament to see more detail.

This picture I have done were macro photography and I decided to do close ups of a lock while it shows lot of details. I liked doing this project because I enjoyed how it turns out very focus and looks better than using regular camera lens.

This project I did portrait photos for the first time and what I like about this photo it gives good lighting and focuses the model on a camera very well.

This project I did was typology and I decided to do buttons to try to match the sizes and same background but different colors of buttons. This took me some time to edit every photo to match the background as similar as possible.

This project is the first photo I have took in this course and while it was a sunny day when I took this photo. What I like about this picture is that how one side has different patterns than the other side shine through the leaf with the sunlight.

Photography Guide Creation – Project 5 (1)

The photography guide tells different way on how to take a better picture when using a camera. I find some information helps me and getting to know more better understanding about photography.