For my community connection project, I decided to interview my sister Michelle Cheung. Michelle is a fashion designer. Michelle has been making clothing design since when she took fashion design class in 2014 from Riverside Secondary School. Michelle has been really wanting to be a fashion designer even when she was little. In 2018, she decided to buy her own sewing machine and a mannequin so she can make her own design outfits.

Michelle has been a big inspiration for me, and her fashion design can really make me feel interested seeing how cool that she turns her designs into actual outfit from her sketch book she drew, and I get excited how it will turn out after when she was done the whole outfit she designed.


  1. Why are you passionate about your job?

“Anything related to the fashion industry has been my most passionate thing in my life and even when I was little as I can remember. Being and creating something I love is what I’m most passionate about and seeing my vision come to life.”

  1. What obstacles have you faced to get you where you are today?

“Some obstacles along the way was staying up late and catching up all the design and sewing for my graduation fashion show. As well as the hardest obstacle was not having enough money yet to start my own website and getting the basic equipment to start a fashion brand.”

  1. What advice would you pass on to someone interested in what you are doing?

“My advice for someone that would also interested in starting a fashion brand or any kind of business is to try and error along the way. The biggest thing I learned was sometime not everything will go the way you wanted to but at the end everything will fall into place. Another advice is that you may come across many struggles and don’t know the answer to but that’s the biggest way to learn from anything. Last but not least you have to love what you are doing because if you don’t then nobody can motivate you to keep going and keep working hard.

  1. Would you be open to further contact from Riverside students and if so, how can someone contact you?

“You can contact me by email at or shoot me a message on Instagram for any other questions.

Questions I also asked:

  1. Why did you choose to be a fashion designer?

“Being a fashion designer has been a dream of mine since I was very young. I would play dress up and pretend to walk on a runway at home all the time. Ever since then I have been very motivated to go after my dream and creating new innovative designs in the fashion industry.

  1. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

“In five years I definitely see myself as a well known designer and many other around the world have heard about clothing brand. Keep growing with my brand to another level and evolving with everything that is changing in our daily life.”