f me and my family had a meal and we did not finished our food, we do not just throw them in the garbage right away, if we have some left overs, we put it in the plastic container and put them in the fridge so we can eat it again for the next day instead of wasting of food. Some people in the whole world did not save for their left overs, they just throw it in the garbage, wasting foods of their meal and there are some people that do not have any food to eat or not enough to buy food. It is dangerous for some people to eat inside a garbage disposal that can make the person sick and could spread a disease to other people. Once they have finished the food from a packaging, the materials will go and thrown out into a disposal. Why did the company buy the products materials? So the company can get paid from the people that bought the packaging and it is also cheaper for them.

How is packaging both Positive and Negative for the consumer (the person using it)?


  • can make the consumer easy to buy
  • it can make the company make more money


  • will made people buy it and then throw it away
  • it makes waste

Where is the packaging waste after one day? one year? one hundred years?

When all the garbage waste was thrown out to the ocean, it could kill all many animals that is living in the water and they can also eat small pieces of plastics. If the world would not change in the future it can spread so many garbage around the oceans and can mostly kill all the sea animals, and this can also cause the animal extinction.

Provide 3-4 suggestions for ways that consumer can decrease the amount of waste we create.

  • Use reusable bags for grocery
  • Use reusable water botted
  • Buy enough for a week