Political Spectrum – “1984” & Big Brother

The political Spectrum is a 2 dimensional plane that shows four sides of political ideologies. The left side is liberal views, which means they support more progressive reforms. The far left is an extreme that supports more revolutionary views such as communism and socialism. The right side is conservative views, which supports preserving existing conditions and institutions, or they want to restore traditional ones and limit change. The far right is an extreme that supports more nationalistic views such as fascism. Authoritarian governments are governments that give more power to the government. Libertarian government are governments that give more power to the people. Insociable and Big Brother would fall into the far authoritarian right because since the government has all the power it would 100% be authoritarian. It would fall into the far right because they dont want change and they want to keep everyone and everything the same and rule with an iron fist.

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