Epigenetics – Sebastian and Maury


Epigenetics is a field of study that looks at how gene expressions are changed depending on our ancestry from the past. Some genes may be disabled or enabled depending on factors that affected your ancestors which can pass on to you without directly changing your DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), for example there may be evidence to suggest that you may have inherited habits and lifestyles from your past grandparents these changes are not changed by mutations in your genes, but it is caused because how the genes are expressed. Scientists have noticed that DNA is not the only factor in inheritance and epigenetics can play a role



  1. Discuss the greatest advancement with regards to your topic and provide examples.

The greatest advancement of Epigenetics is in the medical field. One notable achievement is that Epigenetics can and has been used to help fight cancer. Epigenetic cancer treatments change cells unlike chemotherapy which kills cells. Epigenetic changes can be passed down to other generations, meaning as more and more people get epigenetic treatments for certain diseases and pass them down, more and more people would be more resistant to those diseases.


  1. How is this form of biotechnology best used?  Maury

Epigenetics can cause many diseases, but it can also help avoid many diseases in the future for example if you live a healthy lifestyle and you live in a healthy and clean environment this can help future generations and can assist in preventing many conditions. Epigenetics can help us make sure that we try and keep a healthy lifestyle and avoid toxins like BPA (Bisphenol A) and many others which can make us more susceptible to diseases. In the future, this can potentially mean we can make our future generations more resistant to disease. This is how this information can be used to try and improve the lives of our descendants by improving our lifestyles and avoiding toxins.  


  1. How is this form of biotechnology changing the world as we continue to advance towards the future?

Epigenetics is being used by scientists to advance medicine. Scientists are researching ways to use epigenetics to help treat certain diseases. Epigenetics is being used to help with cancer treatment. One form of treatment adjusts, or changes, how the cells work by attacking certain enzymes (proteins). Meanwhile chemotherapy and radiation therapy kills cells. In the future, they can be used to reactivate silenced tumor suppressor genes (anti-tumor genes that are inactive) and silence tumor promoting genes (deactivate active pro-tumor genes).


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