Spoken Word – “Why YouTube needs to fix their censorship and demonetization”


(Pretty ironic that I am using YouTube to post the video)


First I started by thinking what I can rant about for 3 minutes and is technology related, which is why I chose why YouTube needs to fix its censorship and demonetization. It is something that I have wanted to rant about for a while so this project was a blessing. After finishing the script in about 30 minutes I moved on to procrastinating for 3 days until the weekend which is when I recorded it at home. Then I proceeded to procrastinate some more until Remembrance Day which is when I edited it. After editing it I spent way more time than I should have trying to find a way to make my video fifty megabytes or less so I could put it on my edublog. After wasting my time I realized I can just upload it to YouTube and put it as unlisted then just copy and paste the link onto my edublog.



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