Digital footprint

How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities? Give at least two examples.

You could get fired from your job if your supervisor/boss finds something unappealing. You could also lose friends if they see those unappealing things. In general you just ruin your reputation by having weird and unappealing things in your social media or your browsing history.


Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.

Use incognito when you browse, keep your social media private and only accept friends and family, don’t post pictures or text/call people while under the influence of alcohol, or just do the simplest solution. Don’t post or search weird/unappealing things. But if you already have something weird in your social media or browsing history or on any other online platform delete it if your accounts are public and if you have a private account delete any followers you dont know. If you are going to accept everyone that follows you why have your account private in the first place?


What information did you learn that you would pass on to other students? How would you go about telling them?

I didn’t really learn any new information but i do have some advice to pass on.

stop using google, bing, firefox and and those default search engines. They sell your search history and browsing data to the highest bidder so they can hit you with targeted ads. Instead use duckduckgo or brave. I have tried them both and i never once got any targeted ads and they both run very smooth.

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