Something I have learned this week in math 10

This week I have learned how to find the slant height, volume and surface area of a cone. To find the slant height you will use the pythagereum theorem ( A^2 + B^2 = C^2) or 15^2 (height) plus 8^2 (radius) equals C^2 (slant height) 15^2 plus 8^2 = 287 then you will find the square root of 287 which is the slant height.

for volume the formula is 1/3 (area of base) x H or 1/3(pie8^2)15 which equals 1005.3 centimeters cubed which is the volume.

to find surface area the formula is: Pie R^2 + Pie R S or in this case Pie8^2+Pie8(17) to find the approximate value you can just put that into your calculator but to find the exact value you will have to o a little more work. Pie8^2+Pie8(17) = Pie64+Pie136 = Pie200



imageThis is a method I found that gives you greatest common factor and lowest common multiple. First you get two numbers you need to find GCF and or LCM for. (140 and 180) then you must find a common factor for both. (10) then divide both numbers by the common factor (140 turns into 14 and 180 turns into 18) repeat until you have prime factors. To find the GCF you multiply only the numbers on the side. (GCF: 10×2=20 GCF=20) to find LCM you must multiply all of the numbers beside the L shape on the outside. (LCM: 10x2x7x9=1260 LCM=1260)