3D Printer Exploration

What did you build and why?

In science class, we had to complete an accessibility project. The project was centered around Molli, one of the students in this school who is visually impaired. We were to build something that could help her around the school using the 3D printer. Our group created braille that said the room numbers of the classes she visits the most. We would then stick them on the doors by the written room numbers this way she would be able to know what room she is entering.

Finished results 


What did you learn during the process? What were some of the challenges? What were some of the learning moments?

I learned how to use the 3D printer, printing software, and got an introduction to blender. Before this assignment, I had never touched the 3D printers let alone knowing how to use them. 

One of the biggest challenges I ran into was that just using the 3D printing software wasn’t enough, and the made the Braille too rough on the fingers. So I used Blender to make it smoother. 

The entire process was a large learning curve, I spent a good amount of time wanting to break and scream at my computer. Thankfully I had a few friends in my classes that were willing to help. 

If you could do it all again, what would change? What could be improved? Dream…

If I could do this all again, I would make it smaller, and a different color. It ended up being just a little too big, but it works and I have a really busy week so I didn’t get to redo it. 

3D printing software


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