Desmos Art Functions – Math Honours 10

 Wow, that is the most time I have ever spent on a math project. This assignment was incredibly challenging and unbelievably time-consuming; nevertheless, I believe that my grasp of functions has significantly increased because of it.  

 In the beginning, I mostly used quadratic equations as it was the one I was most familiar with. After challenging myself by exploring the other functions, I began to prefer drawing using square roots. Because of this, I mostly alternated between quadratic, square root functions exponential functions, and semi-circles. I would use quadratic functions when I wanted to create a more “circler” line and square root function on minor curves.  

 The biggest challenge for me was the nose and mouth area, it was very tedious and complicated to complete. As the shapes were quite circular and bubbly, it was difficult to replicate them while still using functions. Plus, I started the project by doing the nose and mouth area, and because I was still new to drawing on Desmos, it was quite a rude awakening.  

 My favorite “aha” moment was when I figured out how to flip the square roots in any orientation. It made the entire project go by much faster because I found it quite easy to connect square root to square root.  

 I received a little amount of help on this project, but all were minor. From the intricacies of writing semi-circles to simple things such as rounding fractions. I also asked my friends whenever I had any questions, and we would help each other out.  

 A strategy I learned was how to set domains more efficiently. I would let my lines intersect and hover my mouse on the dot that Desmos provided. I would then copy and paste those coordinates onto the other intersecting line.  

 Overall, I really like how my project turned out. This assignment helped further my understanding of certain functions I had not yet explored. The reptation that this project required has further helped in solidifying a skill I will use for years to come:)

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