Silence – by Sara Stevenson

Moments of peace,

Moments of glory,

Times I can be by myself and not sorry.

But, they never seem to stick around,

Never seem to stay,

Unlike the clouds hanging in the skies on a rainy day.

Peace has become rare

since silence became violent.

Silence pierces the thickest of anything,

Leaving absolutely nothing.

If it resides within

Unite with words to begin,

Then after the silence comes the speech.

Hearts once again jumping to the beat,

Their souls and lips chant and beseech,

Playing a harmonious music of deceit.


The poem “Silence” by Sara Stevenson is a lyric poem. In the beginning, she states that in moments of peace and glory (can be interpreted as “silence” or having “alone-time”) is a time where people can confidently be themselves and express themselves knowing no one is there to judge. She is telling her audience however that “peace has become rare” due to the fact that silence has become violent. She claims that “silence became violent”, and with silence, it brings along a barrage of violence (whether it be violence internally or externally). After that she writes that even if someone communicates to you, their words could deceive you. Within the poem she states that communication with each other may at times be full of deceit.