Safety First Cheat Sheet


If a fire happens and catches onto your clothing stop where you are and drop to the floor, roll slowly on the ground, doing this the fire will be put out. You can also put out a fire on yourself by being wrapped in a fire blanket.
Image result for stop drop and roll


Place burn under cold water for at least 10 minutes to relieve pain.

Image result for burn under cold water



When cleaning the kitchen with harsh chemicals it is important to wear proper protective gear such as gloves, surgical mask, and goggles so it won’t cause any damage to your body.

Image result for gloves latexImage result for surgical maskImage result for scientific goggles



To prevent slipping clean up spills and messes immediately


When cutting vegetables, meats and fruits use the grip called “the claw”. Holding the food with four fingers and thumb tucked behind the fingers.

Heavy Lifting: 

Lifting heavy objects can cause serious injuries. To prevent injuries bend your hips and knees to squat down, keep the object close to your body and straighten your legs to lift

Image result for lifting heavy objects

How to Prevent Food Poisoning:

-Do not put warm leftovers in the fridge

-Do not mix utensils after you’ve cut meat with to avoid cross-contamination

-Don’t cut meat and vegetables on the same cutting board without disinfecting


Image result for how to prevent food poisoning

Waste Management:

To control waste management use FIFO a First In First Out rotation. FIFO is an essential rotation to prevent foodborne illnesses and controlling the cost of food waste in the kitchen.


Personal Hygiene:

-Tie back long hair before cooking

-Wash hands up to elbows with hot water and soap

-After coughing or sneezing wash hands before continuing cooking

Image result for tie back long hair Image result for wash hands