Archive of ‘Math 10’ category

What I learned this week- FOIL polynomials

This week I learned how to FOIL.  You FOIL when you are multiplying a binomial by a binomial.

-The F in FOIL stands for Firsts

-The O in FOIL stands for outsides

-The I in FOIL stands for insides

-The L in FOIL stands for lasts

For example:

First you would multiply the firsts, so (3x)(x)

So it would be 3x^2

Then you would multiply the outsides, so (3x)(-1)

so it would be -3x

Then you would multiply the insides, so (-1)(x)

So it would equal -x

Then you would multiply the lasts, so (-1)(-1)

So it would equal 1

Your equation would look like 3x^2-3x-x+1

Now you need to simplify


Then your done!

What I learned this week- Trig

This week in trigonometry I learned how to find the angle in a triangle with only having two side lengths.

If this is your triangle:

First you would have to label it using Hypotenuse, opposite, and adjacent.

-Hypotenuse goes across for the right angle

-Opposite goes across from the angle your trying to find

-Adjacent goes wherever opposite doesn’t go

Then you have to use SOH CAH TOA to find the angle

In this case I would use cosine because the triangle has the side lengths adjacent and hypotenuse.

You would type this into your calculator

The answer is 62 degrees

What I learned this week- Exponents lesson #1

I learned how the exponent laws:

Exponent laws are the rules you follow when you are adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing.

The first law is when you are multiplying two numbers with the same base, you add the exponents.

For example: 6^4 x 6^3 = 6^7

The second law is when your dividing two numbers with the same base. You have to divide the exponents.

For example: 6^86^4 = 6^4

The third law is when you are multiplying two numbers by the same exponent. You have to expand out the question then multiply them both by the exponent.

For example:


Then you can expand


You can either leave it like that or keep expanding


You do the same with division



When you have two exponents one outside the bracket and one inside the bracket you multiply them.

For example:





What I learned this week- measurement lesson #4

This week I learned how to convert within the metric system.

For example:

I’m converting 6780cm into m.

First you have to find out how many cm are in a m. -There are 100

So to convert it you need to make 6780cm a fraction


Then you multiply it by


The cm cancel each other out


So your left with


Divide it and you get 67.8m

The unit that you want to convert to always goes on the top.



Example 1: 5^2

Example 2: 5^{-1}

Example 3: \frac{3}{4}

Example 4: \frac{5^2}{3^2}

Example 5: \tan\theta=\frac{9}{12}

Example 6: \sin30^\circ=\frac{x}{2}

Example 7: x=\cos^{-1}\frac{3}{4}

Example 8: \frac{3}{4}

Example 9: \frac{3}{4}




How to find the LCM

Find the greatest common factor of the two numbers

112 and 700

GCF= 28

2.  Divide one of the numbers by the GCF

112/28= 4

3. Multiply that number by the other number

(4)(700)= 2800


How to find the GCF

Write your numbers next to each other

144    132


2. Write a number that they are both divisible by underneath

144    132


3. Divide them

144    132


72    66

4. Keep going until you can’t go anymore

144    132


72    66


36    33


12    11


5. Multiply all of the numbers down the middle

(2)(2)(3)= 12

6. 12 is the greatest common factor

I like using the method that we did in class because it is easier to me.