November 2017 archive

Graphing assigment



  • Atomic radius versus atomic number

    1. Which is the largest of the first 54 elements? Rubidium is the biggest element
    2. Describe how the atomic radius varies within a period and within a family. The atomic radius decreases when it goes from alkali metals to noble gasses. The atomic radius increases when it goes from the top of alkali metals (hydrogen) to the bottom (cesium).
    3. Use your graph to predict the atomic radius of the following elements:
      1. cesium 0.230 (b)   tungsten 0.150 (c) thallium 0.170 (d)   radon 0.164
    4. Which group of the main group elements contains the largest elements? The last group of elements has the largest.
  • Ionization energy versus atomic number

    1. How would you explain ionization energy to your partner? 
      1. How does the ionization energy vary within a period and within a family? The ionic radius increases the closer you get to noble gasses. It also increases the higher you get on the periodic table. 
      2. Which element on your graph has the strongest hold of its valence electrons? Fluorine
    2. (a) Write the electron configuration for chlorine. Is2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5(Ne) 3s2 3p5 

(b) Which electron is lost when 1251 kJ/mol of energy are applied to a sample of chlorine atoms? The single electron in the third P subshell (valence electron)

3.Compare the ionization energies of metals to nonmetals. Non-metals have a low ionization energy because their electrons aren’t held very tightly.


Nonmetals have much higher ionization energies. 


  • Melting point versus atomic number

    1. Describe the trend of melting points within a period Each period has a very similar melting point
    2. Which group of elements tends to have the highest melting points. Transition metals
    3. Tungsten is used in incandescent light bulbs because it has an extremely high melting point. Which element on your chart could be a reasonable replacement for tungsten? Why? Carbon would be a good replacement; because it also has a very high melting point and it would have a similar melting point to tungsten. 



  • Density versus atomic number


    1. Describe how density varies within a period.  The density increases within the period as you move down the periodic table
    2. Compare the densities of the elements in the second period with the elements in the third period. They have very similar densities and follow the same arc.
    3. Assume that the transition metals given in the table are representative of the other members of this group. How do the densities of the transition metals compare with those of the elements in the main  group?  Each period will have a higher density than the last as the atomic radius increases.
    4. Explain why aluminum and magnesium are more suitable than iron for use in some airplane parts. They are a lot less dense causing them to be lighter and better for flying



  • Electronegativity versus atomic number


    1. Describe how electronegativity varies within a period. The electronegativity increases as you move to the left.
    2. Describe how electronegativity varies within a family. Each family has a very similar electronegativity.

Element 1:

Element 2:

Element 3:

Element 4:

Element 5:

Element 6:

Each compound has a unique colour because; each element that was added to the fire have different properties.

The Great War Memory Project

Many soldiers went to war thinking it would be an adventure and they would come back as heroes. This picture clearly portrays the horrors of world war one, it was not glorious at all. This picture shows that in World War One  they needed protection from chlorine gas. Chlorine gas was a weapon used by the Germans. It would destroy the respiratory organs of its victims and this led to a slow death of asphyxiation. Doctors could not find a way to cure it. Instead they came up with gas masks to prevent inhaling it.

A. Complète les phrases avec des activités differentes.
1. Quand il fait chaud je nage
2. Quand il neige tu aimes ski
3. Au printemps nous courons
4. En automne vous marchez
5. Quand il pleut elles regardent la télévision
B. Choisi la bonne préposition.
1. Il a passé un mois en Colombie Britannique puis en Floride.
2. Nous allons au Ontario pour rendre visite à notre famille.
3. Le match de hockey est joué au Danemark.
4. Ils sont invités aux Philippines à un mariage.
5. Il part aux États-Unis pour visiter ses amis.
6. Je viens en Chine et elle vient en France.
7. Mes parents reviennent aux Bahamas.
8. Ma meilleure amie réside à Dublin.
9. Mon amie Charlotte habite en Belgique.
10. Ma soeur est Américaine. Elle vient à New York.
C. Ecris 10 phrases en utilisant 10 verbes pronominaux différents. Utilise tous les pronoms (je, tu, il, elle, on, nous, vous, ils, elles)
Je me reveille. Tu te reposes. Il s’amuse. Elle se maquille. On s’habille. Nous nous brossons les dents. Vous vous ennuyez. Ils se couchent. Elles se fâchent. Je me lave.
D. Place l’adjectif correctement et accorde le.
1. (ville (f)/petit La petite ville.
2. (acteurs/drole) Les acteurs drôles.
3. (femme/beau) La belle femme.
4. (artistes/creative) Les artisites creatives.
5. (homme/beau) Le beau homme.
E. Choisis un acteur/actrice ou un chanteur/chanteuse. Décris cette personne, utilise 3 traits physiques et 3 adjectifs. N’oublie pas d’accorder.
Meryl Streep est une bonne actrice. Elle est jolie. Meryl Streep est gentille. Elle a les cheaveux blondes. Elle a les yeux vert. Elle est de taille moyenne.