In this project, our group has tried to connect with NASA and also Canadian Space Agency. But unfortunately, we have failed to connect with both organizations. Even though we have failed to connect, we have continued on with our project and researched about the CSA’s future plans. Our weakness was connecting with the organizations, but our strength was to continue our work even though we have faced obstacles. I think we could’ve improved on making connections and working together, but we still have tried our best. I think our group did well, even though we have faced obstacles. When a obstacle appeared we have discussed and worked together and solved our problem.
March 8, 2018 at 6:15 pm
You did a good job with your scientist connections-based learning! I appreciate how you tried to connect with several people involved in space. You presented it very well with this embedded document. Thanks for including your collaboration reflection at the bottom of your post.
March 12, 2018 at 4:07 pm
Thank you.