Digital Footprint


1. How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities? Give at least two examples.

You have to remember that the content you post on the internet can be found by anyone. If your digital footprint is not appropriate and contain bad/inappropriate stuff then finding a job can be difficult. Your reputation can also be affected drastically by your digital footprint. Not only does it affect your ability to find a job but it can also affect your social life like meeting friends, classmates, and people around you. Everything that you post publicly online can affect the way people view you. Trying to get a professional job can also be affected by your digital footprint. If your digital footprint contains immature content then the people hiring you may make an assumption and think you’re not fit for the job because of the lack of maturity you have.

7 most common job interview mistakes - Hudson AustraliaUniversities must value their students more than their reputation | Times Higher Education (THE)

2. Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.

Keeping your digital footprint small and appropriate is the first step into keeping your digital footprint safe. By posting less photos of yourself online, not posting inappropriate stuff, and keeping your social media accounts private will make your digital footprint safer. By keeping your account private you have more control in who’s seeing your posts and have the power to control who’s following your profile. Posting appropriate pictures is a huge way to keeping your digital footprint safe, you can’t control where your photos will end up if posted on the internet, so it’s important to keep your social media feed appropriate. Not posting at all or even limiting the pictures you post is a huge way into keeping you digital footprint safe too.

How and Why You Should Reduce Your Digital Footprint | Avira BlogSocial media giants are restricting research vital to journalism - Columbia Journalism Review

3. What information did you learn that you would pass on to other students? How would you go about telling them?

Photos and personal information that are posted on the internet can be found by many different users, if not kept private. If these photos contain inappropriate content it can affect your reputation which causes difficulty in finding future jobs and careers. I would also recommend keeping social media accounts private so you have more control in who’s seeing your posts. As well as to post less on social media and know who is following your account. Lastly, you can keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe by following simple steps it’s easy and much better than getting rejected at your first job interview because of your inappropriate digital footprint.

Social media, the new Public Sphere | by Sara Saliby | MediumHow To Make Your Social Media Accounts As Private As Possible

Image References:

How To Make Your Social Media Accounts As Private As Possible