Sarah's Blog

Blog Log 2 – A Thin Line Between Mother and Daughter

This article is about body image and how attitudes to the body are passed down through generations. It immediately caught my eye because body image is a very concerning problem in today’s society. I was compelled to this article specifically because it talks about eating disorders and how people are influenced by others. I liked how this article was written because it is very insightful and she talked about her own experiences and her struggles. She explains that her mother was a huge inspiration to her when she was a young girl and she has always looked up to her. Her mother was thin, so she thought that she had to be too. Her mother wasn’t troubled by the fact that she was losing weight in an unhealthy way, in fact, it seems that her mother was actually approving of her unhealthy lifestyle because she wanted her to be thin as well. This made me somewhat upset because family should be the one encouraging a healthy lifestyle and not bulimia or anorexia. She learned from her mother that “fat meant sloppy, out of control, but thin meant sleek and powerful.” so thats what she strived for. Many people in the world struggle with eating disorders because they think being thin is beautiful. Some people don’t like the way their body looks so they’ll do anything to change it because they are so self conscious. Nobody should have to feel this way. Eating disorders have become part of our culture, and they’ll multiply and reproduce with lives of their own. This article opened my eyes and made me realize how serious of a problem this is in our society.


sarahl22015 • April 14, 2018

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