Sarah's Blog

Foods 12 September Lab Reflection

I chose to reflect on the apple jam lab because I thought this lab was very fun and interesting and nothing like I had done before especially the part where we had to sterilize the jars. I enjoyed this lab because I have never made jam before so this was my first time. It was a fun experience and making jam was also easier than I thought it was going to be. Our product turned out very good and just as we had hoped. Everyone being involved and helping each other definitely helped this turn out so well. My group worked very well during this lab. There were no issues. We all worked together and helped out and everyone did their jobs which made everything easier and it got things done much quicker. If I were to do this lab again, I would try to chop the apples into finer pieces even though it would take a bit more time and I also found the jam to be too sweet so I would not add as much sugar to it but overall I think this lab turned out good and successful.





sarahl22015 • October 6, 2017

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